Reference no: EM132996321
BSBHRM602 Manage human resources strategic planning
Assessment 2 - Project 1 - Research planning requirements
Apex Work Skills Pty. Ltd. (AWS) is a private Registered Training Organisation that delivers nationally recognised training courses in construction, business management, accounting, children's services, aged care services, etc.
AWS has a student enrolment of 2000 and approximately 50 training staff employed on sessional or full time basis. The RTO has about 30 administration staff.
Traditionally AWS has delivered nationally recognised training courses in construction and business management.
The CEO of AWS wants the RTO to be known as the best in the country. AWS always employs suitably qualified and experienced trainers and assessors. In order to ensure compliance with trainer/assessor requirements, AWS has committed substantial funding towards the professional development of its trainers.
AWS has two student cohorts - international fee paying and domestic government funded. International students pay full course fees for their study, while AWS has been receiving government funding for delivering vocational training programs to domestic Australian students, based on the student's eligibility for receiving funding.
AW' strategic plans and business plans are based on the assumption that the RTO will continue to receive government funding and revenue from international students as a source of income.
The following is a summary of advice provided by an external HR consultant hired by AWS in January 2020.
Challenges faced by AWS
After analysing the data for your organisation and considering the existing culture and attitudes, the following challenges need to be considered:
• risk-aversion to trying new ways of working on the part of managers
• entrenched views on the ‘ideal' model of work being full-time, visible and predicable
• fear of a ‘floodgate effect' where enabling flexibility would create an uncontrollable flood of requests from ‘too many' staff
• a perception that flexibility should only be available as a reward for good performance
• leaders' capability to manage the team performance and model collaborative work
• views that some are privileged at the expense of others
• budget and investment in technology, equipment and training.
It is recommended that AWS should:
• introduce use of flexible work options across the board, particularly telecommuting and job sharing
• increase use of additional flexible options for those already using flexible start and finish times
• increase the representation of women in senior officer positions and in turn build the pipeline for senior executive service
• develop and adopt a formal policy or strategy for flexible working arrangements
• incorporate refresher induction and ongoing WHS training in the Induction policy
• develop a formal performance management system
• establish an annual fund and a system of allocation of funding to trainers and staff for professional development and industry currency activities
Your brief
You are the newly appointed HR and Administration Manager of AWS, and the CEO has asked you to lead and manage the establishment and management of human resources strategic planning, to ensure that the organisation has the structure and staff to meet current and foreseeable business and performance objectives.
Apart from the recommendations made by the HR consultant mentioned above, AWS also needs to consider the impact of COVID-19 on the business. AWS is required to quickly introduce online/ blended delivery options in response to the lockdown and social distancing requirements.
Online training and assessment also required fewer trainers than face-to-face training and trainers may be able to support a higher number of learners than would normally be in a classroom.
Reducing the number of staff will allow AWS to lower its expenditure, which is the need of the hour.
This means AWS will have plan to deliver remotely using suitable technology and fewer trainers. It also means AWS will have to re-work its workforce plan and reduce the number of staff by considering flexible work arrangements such as work from home or telework, job- sharing, work reduced hours, or work part-time.
You are to consider all of these factors in analysing, researching and preparing the research report.
As the new Human Resources Manager, you have been assigned the task of leading the planning process to develop a human resources strategic plan for AWS in keeping with its planned future directions.
You've been asked to research and investigate the information provided to you and prepare a written report outlining the identified human resources strategic directions and objectives and targets for AWS.
This report should not exceed 500 words. The report should be professionally written, using suitable formal language and should be free of grammar and spelling errors.
The report must address the following:
a. analysis of the strategic plans and information about AWS provided to you in the scenario to determine human resource strategic direction, objectives and targets
b. environmental analyses to identify at least three emerging HR practices and trends that may impact on AWS's HR strategy
c. future labour needs, skill requirements and options for sourcing labour supply (at least two of each), based on the environmental analyses
d. new technology that can be used and its impact on job roles and job design at AWS (at least two)
e. recent and potential changes to industrial and legal requirements that may impact on AWS (at least one)
Attachment:- Manage human resources strategic planning.rar