Analysis of the real problems of an organisation

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM1378993 , Length: 2000 Words

Prepare and hand in a project proposal including

1)The nature of the project,

2)The sources of information you plan to use, and

3)The most important concepts and techniques to be applied.

For this project, you will study the advice presented on developing an action plan for implementing a lean transformation in Womack, J. P., & Jones, D. T. (2003) Lean thinking (Chapter 11, pp. 247-271). New York: Free Press.


1) The purpose of the Project is to apply the concepts and techniques of Lean Thinking to the analysis of the real problems of an organisation and to draw up an effective action plan for the transformation of the business.

2) Expected to use diverse sources of information and to carry out an original analysis rather than summarise or rehash existing work. Encouraged to use situations and data from their own experience where possible.

3) Harvard referencing and citation stlye.

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Reference no: EM1378993

Questions Cloud

Approximate location of the laminar turbulent transition : Find the approximate location of the laminar turbulent transition - what is the net heat removed by the air around the rod?
Explain the action of the function : Explain the action of the function. Determine the function in the library that performs a similar calculation?
Risc machine assembly : A compiler for a RISC machine will introduce delay slots into this code so that processor can employ the delayed branch mechanism.
Key drawbacks of the numbered code : Think about the flashlight-messaging (ABC=123); Determine the key drawbacks of the Numbered Code?
Analysis of the real problems of an organisation : Prepare and hand in a project proposal including the nature of the project - The purpose of the Project is to apply the concepts and techniques of Lean Thinking to the analysis of the real problems of an organisation
Finding cause of the bug : The following LMC program is supposed to input two numbers, compare them, and output the higher of the two numbers.
Review of client business and perform audit risk analysis : Prepare a memo to the audit partner on the 'state of the company's industry' and associated risk factors -Understanding planning stage of the audit process-review of client business and perform audit risk analysis
Formal programming languages and natural languages : As we know that there are problems of understanding natural languages as opposed to formal programming languages. As an illustration of the complexities involved in the case of natural languages,.
Explain the syntax of programming languages : BNF is used extensively in the computing field to describe the syntax of programming languages. Give an example of where and how BNF might be used to solve real-world problems


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