Reference no: EM133014068
Topic - Online shopping system
Assignment Part 1 - Windows Security
An attacker seeks to view the contents of a specific Microsoft Word document file to which they do not have any kind of access. You may assume that:
• no exploitable vulnerabilities of any kind exist:
• the attacker has a non-privileged account on the system;
• basic system access controls do not currently permit the attacker to access the file and the attacker cannot directly change these controls; and
• the attacker cannot physically tamper with the system in any way.
Outline and describe the core security mechanisms that the Windows OS implements to prevent the attacker from achieving that goal. Please include a brief discussion of the low-level mechanisms that protect the operating system from an attack who targets the layer below. The marks breakdown table below may assist you in identifying the general issues that need to be covered.
In completing this task, you must use an approach based on the architectural divisions discussed during lectures to organise your answer. You may find that the information discussed in lectures and contained in the textbook substantially assist you to frame your answer. However, you may wish to do some additional research.
Assignment Part 2- Build Your Own System
You are welcome to pair with another student (ideally from the same tutorial session) to complete this assignment.
This assignment has two phases: (1) topic proposal and (2) final report.
Assume that you are given a task to design an information system (e.g., a transport system, a cloud-based storage system, etc.). Briefly discuss security requirements for such a system. Outline a security architecture that could achieve the specified security goals in your system. You must include in your discussion of the security limitations of your approach.
Note that this is intended to be an open-ended problem and your alternative security architecture may or may not exist as a specific product or system, so you are expected to think creatively about this solution.