Analysis of the current trends in macro business environment

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13983437 , Length: word count:1000

Topic: Strategic Management and Corporate Social Responsibility

An individual assignment that includes an analysis and evaluation of an industry's macro business environment. The report should have a length of approximately 800 words (excluding appendices).

Instructions on Assessment

1. You are a Strategy Consultant to a large book retailer in the UK. You have been asked by the client to produce a short report that includes an analysis of the current trends in the macro business environment, and to identify the key opportunities over the next 3-5 years.

You are required to produce a 800 word report based on the following tasks:

A Introduction

a. Introduction to the industry you are analysing

b. By reference to scholarly work, summarise the advantages and disadvantages of macro business analysis

B. Collect secondary data relevant to the industry

C. Using suitable framework(s), such as PESTEL, analyse and evaluate the industry's external macro business environment

D. Identify and discuss at least 2 business opportunities that are present in the macro business environment

You are advised to produce a PESTEL and append as Appendix 1. This should be no longer than 1 page. You are then advised to focus your 800 words on tasks A-D.

Important note about ARNA regulations

The regulations specify that students must complete every assessment component contributing to the modules on their programme. This applies to all forms of assessment as defined in the module descriptor. Please note that:

• if any assessment component is not completed, students will be failed in the module even if the module pass mark has been achieved;
• if the requirements for referral specified in section 5 of ARNA1 are met, a resit opportunity will be given;
• if unable to complete an assessment component because of extenuating circumstances, students should follow the procedure described in the Student Guide to Extenuating Circumstances'.

This change was approved by Academic Board on 12 October 2009 in consultation with the Students' Union.

Students should consult their Programme Leader or Guidance Tutor if they have any queries. Independent advice and support is also available from the Students' Union Advice & Representation Centre ([email protected]) or from a student adviser in Student Services.

Word Count

The word count is declared on the front page of your assignment. The word count does not include title page, contents page, glossary, tables, figures, illustrations, reference list, bibliography and appendices.

Summarising and compressing the information in your assignment into the word limit is one of the skills that students are expected to acquire, and demonstrate as part of the assignment process.

No# of Pages:4 pages (1,000 words)

No# of Sources Required:10

Reference no: EM13983437

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