Analysis of the current system

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132050417

For this week, imagine that you have been hired by a company to build a database for it and complete the following tasks:

Describe your idea of the database.

This can be a business problem or a hobby you are interested in-for example, an airline reservation system.

Outline the database you would like to create.

Outline the SDLC.

Include the following subcategories:

Strategy and analysis for a business or an idea you plan to develop

Analysis of the current system:

What does the company have?

What business projections does it have?

Integration with other systems-plan how the current system can be integrated with other systems

Documentation and communication-describe how this vital part will be accomplished

Design for changes-prepare a plan for the future

Reusable resources-do not redo work; identify what the company has in place that you can use (This is the best part of the project-you create everything!)

Note: Whatever you create is fiction and the above-mentioned six items will need to be addressed in the final document.

After you complete the lab and course project, collate the information from both in a 3- to 4-page report in a Microsoft Word document.

Verified Expert

The work is in 1000 words with airline reservations system with focus on DBMS system and then working on system planning.It includes the details that work for the resource planning and working with different standards.

Reference no: EM132050417

Questions Cloud

Define steps researchers took to ensure generalizability : Post your explanation of who the sample is. Also explain steps researchers took to ensure generalizability. Be sure to discuss how the study results could.
Briefly introduce your business idea in the introduction : Explain the theory behind the canvas by discussing the difference between a business plan and a business canvas.
Which symptoms would prove the most difficult for you : "This week we studied psychological disorders. Which of the disorders covered in your lessons do you think would be the most challenging to have and why?
Relationship between simple effects and interactions : Describe a main effect, simple effect and an interaction is and what the relationship between simple effects and interactions is?
Analysis of the current system : Strategy and analysis for a business or an idea you plan to develop - What business projections does it have?
Define the goals of multicultural competence : For this discussion, select the case vignette for your specialization (Mental Health or School Counseling) from the presentation, Multicultural Competence.
Determine the sustain innovative organisational thinking : This assessment task requires you to generate, lead and sustain innovative organisational thinking and practice within an organisation.
Prepare journal entries for each transaction : Prepare journal entries for each transaction (list the date, accounts and amounts debited and credited in good form)
Available to the customer if the bank approves the loan : How much of the loan amount will actually be available to the customer if the bank approves the loan?



8/27/2018 12:41:11 AM

This assignment comprises software development life cycle (SDLC), although its quite a tough assignment for me but experts mind made it simpler for me. I submitted with fingers crossed and I got grade A, Thank you so much Experts Mind for your help!!!

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