Analysis of the cues impacting the responses of staff nurse

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133587102


Evaluate factors integral to clinical reasoning.


You recently started a new position as a nurse manager in a 28-bed oncology unit. One of the staff nurses who returned from bereavement leave one week prior has been assigned to care for an elderly client, newly diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer. While you are visiting with the client, the nurse completes the assessment. During the client interview, the client requested assistance to set up hospice care, complete an advanced directive, and reach out to their estranged daughter. The nurse stated, "I can get you the paperwork for the advance directive, but I can't call your child for you; I do not specialize in mental health." The nurse leaves the room and asks to speak with you, stating, "I can't care for this client; I need my client assignment changed now or else I will go home."

As the nurse manager, you agree to change the nurse's client assignment and offer to assist the client with their requests. Later, you debrief the nurse regarding their reactions and decisions with this client and make recommendations regarding how the nurse could have responded differently. You write a summary of the events and debrief with the nurse.


Compose a memo of the situation and debrief for the employee's personnel file.

Include the following in the memo:

  • Analysis of the cues impacting the responses of the staff nurse and the nurse manager.
  • Description of how these cues influenced the clinical decision-making of both nurses, including supporting rationales and examples.
  • Prioritized strategies the nurse could use for self-compassion and compassion toward others when demonstrating emotional intelligence, including supporting rationales, examples, and credible resources.
  • Alternative responses more appropriate for the nurse and charge nurse, including supporting rationales, examples, and credible resources.

Reference no: EM133587102

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