Analysis of the company and suggest possible strategic

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Reference no: EM13951612 , Length:

Develop an Annual Report for a Company of your choice.

From a technological point of view, the "internet" is all the computers in the world that are connected, including the technologies as well as the wires and antennas that keep all the computers talking to each other. From a professional point of view, however, the internet is an endless source of useful information. All decisions in the corporate world today are based (and should be based) on valid, reliable and credible information. This information comes from investigations of the external environment of a company and a realization of the company's strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. But not all the available information over the net is credible and reliable. So where can we (as corporate managers) find the right information?

Following this line of inquiry, you are required to apply the knowledge you have accumulated throughout the module (and the development of assignment 1) in terms of research, intelligence gathering, strategy analysis and formulation, mission set-up, and control, towards analysing a company's published annual report. More specifically, you are required to:

Step 1: Identify a PLC company that uses strategic management - this company may be prosperous, booming, in decline, or in economic difficulties;

Step 2: Visit the corporate website, examine the annual statement and investor information and develop a comprehensive analysis;

Step 3: Write a full analysis of the company and suggest possible strategic alternatives to follow;

Step 4: Guide potential investors on whether it worth investing their money in the company (or not) and why.


• Wordage: 5000 words

• Deadline: End of week 7

• Reference all sources according to Harvard Referencing, both in the text and reference list

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Reference no: EM13951612

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