Analysis of the auditing and accountability issues

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM131035586

We choose tyco company so it should be about tycoYou are asked to work in groups each group will chose one case. Each group will be expected to work together in order to:

1. Prepare a 7 minutes video: on an auditing scandal, where students can act themselves or use material available to summarise the auditing scandal.

2. Prepare a joint report (a maximum of 1000 words report excluding references and appendices).

The group report for submission should address the circumstances and events of the case, any analysis of the issues of accountability involved, reference to any underlying concepts or problems you consider to be relevant, the outcome and actual or potential effects of the case.

Suggested report structure

You are free to structure your report in any format. However, this format is recommended: Section 1: introduction to the case and background

Section 2: timeline sheet of major events

Section 3: auditing and accounting issues within the case Section 4: any potential outcome to the case

Section 5: suggestions for future improvement to prevent such case Section 6: references

Section 7: appendices

Within the report, the objective is to develop your chosen argument as best you can; the point is to use your skills to argue the case as effectively as you can. Developing such skills is of fundamental importance in both the business world and the auditing profession.

Guidance is given on how to set about researching your case (see section on Guidance on study skills). The following table shows possible cases to analyse. You can suggest alternative local cases to Dr Rihab Khalifa for approval, but must have agreement before proceeding.  Please  note that cases like Enron and WorldCom will not be accepted as cases. A single mark will be awarded for the report and this will be given to each group member. If in any circumstances the relative contributions of group members is widely different or an individual fails to participate, then it is the responsibility of group members to inform the tutor. The mark awarded will reflect the following:

(a) Identification and use of information/reference sources

(b) Description of the events of the case

(c) Analysis of the auditing and accountability issues

(d) Preparation of a one page summary for class members Cases to chose from:

Ahold (2003)


Astra Holdings (1990)

Atlantic Computers - British & Commonwealth (1990)

Banesto (1993)

Bank of Commerce & Credit Intern. (1991) Barings Bank (1995)

Barlow Clowes (1988)

Bristol Royal Infirmary (1998) British Energy (2002)

Butte Mining (1996)

Cendant (USA) (1998)

City of Glasgow Bank (1884) Credit Lyonnais (1993)

Dai Ichi Kangyo Bank (1997) Daiwa Bank (1995)

De Lorean Motor Company (1982) Dunsdale Securities (1990)

Equitable Life (2000)

Equity Funding (1975)

European Parliament (1999)

Facia (1996)

Ferranti (1989)

Ferruzi (1994)

Freddie Mac (2003)

GEC/AEI (1968)

Gescartera (2001)

Grays Building Society (1978) Guinness (1987)

Hammersmith and Fulham (1990) Health South (2003)

Itoman/Sumitomo (1990) Johnson Matthey Bank (1984)

Kent and Canterbury Hospital (1997) Kuwaiti Investment Office (1993) Lincoln Savings and Loans (1988) Lloyds (1996)

Marconi (2000)

McKesson Robbins (1939)

Milbury (1988)

Miniscribe (1990)

Mirror Group Newspapers (1991) MMM (1994)

Morgan Grenfell (1996)

Orange County, California (1994) Pearson/Penguin Books (1997)

Pergamon Press (1971)

Polly Peck (1990)

Praise the Lord Industries (1989) Queens Moat Houses (1993) Rank Hovis McDougall (1987) Reed Elsevier (1997)

Resort Hotels (1994)

Roadships (1976)

Rover/BMW (1999)

Schneider (1994)

Shell (UK) (1995)

Sound Diffusion (1988)

Sumitomo Shoji (1996) Tata Finance Limited (2002) The Millenium Dome (2000) The Royal Mail Case (1931)

Tokyo Sagawa Kyubin (1992) Trafalgar House (1992)

TransTec (1999)

Tyco (2001)

Versailles (1999)

Waste Management (1998)

Wessex Regional Health Auth. (1993) Westminster City Council (1994) Wickes (1996)

Xerox (2002)

Yamaichi Securities (1997)

YBM Magnex International (1998)

Notes on Preparation

In most cases the key to getting started is identifying critical dates (when first occurred, publication of reports etc.) related to the case and embarking on a literature search.  Use library sources to search for media coverage of the case at the time it became public and at any other key dates. Trace references to the case subsequently by searching relevant indexes etc.

1. Did you attend all meetings set by your group? If not, why not?

2. Did you complete the work that was assigned to you by your group? If not, why not?

3. In a scale from 1-5, would you say that your group worked well as a team to prepare the group project? (1 being not worked well at all and five being worked very well).

4. If you think that there was an imbalance in the amount of work done by the members of the group, indicate below the way in which the overall mark should be adjusted.

Reference no: EM131035586

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Write a Review

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  Prepare a memo on the state of the company''s industry

Prepare a memo on the 'state of the company's industry' and associated risk factors.

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