Analysis of technology competitors

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13904000

Each group has the opportunity to dig deeper into technology area of their choice and do an analysis of technology competitors in the market. The objective is to identify the key players in a particular market and produce an assessment of what they are selling. The audience for this project is a group of investors with money to invest and want to know where to invest it. They are a conservative group and want to really understand what they are investing in. Unlike an actual report for investors, information on the financial position of the companies in question should NOT be included. Although extremely relevant for actual investment decision, this is beyond the scope of this course and would make the assignment unduly burdensome. The focus should be exclusively on the technology and its applications. The process includes the following:

1.    Identify an industry segment that the group is interested in. It is likely that the focus will need to be narrowed as the analysis progresses. The topic can be narrowed as much as necessary to make it manageable.

2.    Obtain approval of the topic from the instructor to ensure the scope is manageable.

3.    Identify the key players in the field (e.g. Microsoft, Apple, ...).

4.    Identify what aspects of their products are important to users (e.g. price, speed, ...).

5.    Describe how their products work and how it meets the needs of its users. The emphasis should be on clear, concise explanation in appropriate detail.    

6.    Compare and contrast the main products on those dimensions, which are relevant to users.

7.    Indicate where the technology is going and how it may change the way we work or communicate in the future (say 5 years from now).

8.    Recommend companies for the investors.

Reference no: EM13904000

Questions Cloud

Give your opinions or suggestions on nz econimy : In your report, you should give your opinions, suggestions and comments including: 1, the global and NZ economy2, Australian Economy3, NZ currency strategy4, Poor Elvation Capital Global Fund of Funds
The gekay company’s guano project : As the newly appointed Director of Finance at the GeKay Company, Chris Doyle is about to analyze a proposal that the firm has been considering for developing guano as a garden fertilizer – the “guano project”.
Examine the problems involved citing differences existing : Will there come about a global accounting profession involving inter country recognition and international probability of accounting qualifications or will country retain separate forms of professional
What does each financial statement tell a user : What categories or sections are on each statement?  What accounts are shown under each section of each Financial Statement?  How do amounts from one statement flow through to the other statements, if at all?
Analysis of technology competitors : Each group has the opportunity to dig deeper into technology area of their choice and do an analysis of technology competitors in the market.
Firm’s status within its industry : Determine your firm’s position in its industry based on each of the statistics: below average, average, above average.  Develop an opinion of your firm’s status within its industry based on financial ratios.
The company’s financial effectiveness : I have been allocated to do Head Company2012and review 3 financial statements, namely Income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements of a particular year, evaluate the company’s financial effectiveness
Return on investment (roi) and economic value added (eva) : You are requirMarket based transfer prices; Full cost transfer prices;Cost-plus a mark-up transfer prices; and Negotiated transfer prices. ed to discuss in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each of the following four methods:
Discuss ratio analysis as a tool for interpretation : Discuss ratio analysis as a tool for interpretation so that the Board may better understand the value and limitations of ratio analysis (5%)


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