Analysis of systems with chemical reactions

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Reference no: EM13869161

This assignment focuses on the analysis of systems with chemical reactions. Be sure to follow the requirements for homework as posted to BB.Every problem should be well-documented with a brief problem statement (don't copy from this document, briefly state the purpose of the problem), a diagram to show the relevant information, analysis showing methods and equations used and a brief comment on the results. In completing the problems remember to use the methods from class, applying conservation and accounting methods ("balances") to generate the required equations. Look for the common patterns in the solution methodology so you can develop a problem-solving style that can be applied to any problem.  Work at becoming more comfortable with symbols and general approaches.  Read sections 3.8 and 3.9 in the textbook to get a clearer understanding of these systems. 

1.Solids Separation System Model - Develop the spreadsheet model for the solids separation system used in PITCH Project 1. For this homework you should submit a paper copy of the first few pages of your spreadsheet only, not the full table of calculations. The submission should include plots of solids concentration vs time and volume vs time for both tanks. It should also include the table you used to determine the required time step size.

2. A vehicle burns gasoline (density = 0.79 kg/liter) at a rate of 8.2 liters per hour. For simplicity in this problem, assume it has the formula of octane, C8H18

  • Determine the required air flow rate in molar units (kmol/hr), in mass units (kg/hr) and in standard volume units (standard m3/hr) for air fed in stoichiometric proportion.
  • Determine the flowrate (kmol/hr) and composition (mol fraction) of the exhaust gases if 15% excess air is fed with the gasoline. For purposes of this problem, only carbon dioxide and water (no carbon monoxide) is produced in the reaction and all of the gasoline is consumed.

3. Combustion problem- should be done using a spreadsheet:Butane (C4H10) is used as fuel in a particular combustion chamber.  It is found that the conversion of the butane (X) is linearly related to the % excess air (E),in the range of 0 to 20% excess, by the following relationship:X (%) = 90 + E (%) / 2, whereX is the fractional butane conversion, expressed in %, and E is the % excess air.Thus a feed with 10% excess air would result in a butane conversion of 95%. This relationship is only valid up to 20% excess air.

For a butane feed rate of 100 mol/s, and 15% excess air, determine the flowrate and composition of the stack gases produced from combustion, the energy released and the ratio of kg CO2 /MJ of energy released.For butane, the energy released from combustion is about 2880 kJ/mol.  The molar mass of CO2 is 44 g/mol.  Set up the solution so you can easily vary the % excess air and your solution will update instantly.

Reference no: EM13869161

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