Reference no: EM131045006 , Length: word count:3500
Assessment item - NPD practices report
This task requires you to critically evaluate the new product development practice of your own organisation or an organisation that would like to work with. (If you do not have direct access to an organisation you can complete this task with using secondary research).
Your task:
Drawing on relevant literature on new product (or service) development models and factors for success in NPD - identify and discuss in detail critical success factors and issues that are relevant to the organisation you have chosen to study.
Prepare a detailed analysis of the organisation's new product development practices, discussing in detail areas of strength and weakness. Make sure that you include in this discussion any specific details of the organizational context or industry context that are relevant for your analysis. As well as making your own observations, you can draw on interactions and conversations you may have had with relevant parties such a customers, suppliers and/or company employees.
Finally make detailed recommendations for areas in which the company could improve their new product development practice. It is important in this section that you justify you recommendations by linking back to your earlier analysis and relevant NPD literature that you have previously discussed.
Your work should be referenced using APA Style (More than 12 references needed)
This assignment is designed to give you the opportunity to examine in detail how new product development works in practice. Focusing on a particular organisation gives you the opportunity to appreciate how the particular context that a business operates in will influence the way it conducts new product development.
This task aligns with subject learning outcome 3:
-to be able to evaluate the new product practices of an organisation and make recommendations for improvement that demonstrate knowledge of success factors in new product development.
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