Analysis of how gender differences affect business travelers

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Reference no: EM131463436

Differential Preferences between Business Male and Female Travelers on the Selection of Hotel

A critical analysis of how gender differences affect the business travelers' perceptions of service quality dimensions and improvement on hotel facilities


1. Pilot test

2. Response rate (e.g. total asked about 169 respondents from street interview and online survey, there are 140 suitable of the conditions)

3. Reliability and validity

4. Demographic characteristic
(gender: 70 male & 70 female; Marital status: married with kids can have a minor proportion, showing female need kid caring facilities and service, because some business customers will come with family and kids.

age:majority in36-45 & 46-55; Monthly Income level (HKD):majority $20,001-$30,000 & $30,001 or above,point out higher living quality with higher income, so have higher expectation on hotel service and faciltiy; Occupation Type)

5. SPSS Analysis

Q1:female more focus on cleanliness,thenlocation & service;male focus onfacility,then cleanliness & location?Show some difference between male and female,both pay attention to cleanliness & location, but different weightings

Q2(facility): female shows most attention ton-room working table and chair & Personal-care and Hygiene supplies (e.g. shavers), since business clients need to use computer and work desk after meeting outside, so In-room working table and chair very important,female pay more focus on hygiene and make up than male, so Personal-care and Hygiene supplies such as rubber bands for hair will be important,
The second important factor is In-room dryer & Audiovisual equipment,since some female have long hair,so In-room dryer important for female,Audiovisual equipment for meetings;

Male focus more on In-room working table and chair & Meeting room and business center,and then LED TV and Audiovisual equipment,since most male customers will spend most of time watching TV after back hotel, but not shopping outside (both male and female pay attention to health. Some male and female customers will work out in morning or free time, so gym room and spa will affect customer's choice;Computer surprisingly not important because most business customers will carry their own laptop.No need to use the computer in hotel.

Q3 (service) female thinks Basic room service (e.g. daily replace the towels)&Personal and custom service (e.g. vegetarian menu etc.)most important because female focus on hygiene. They would like to have new supplement every day, next important is change towel every day. And most of female will answer want to keep fit and healthy, so Personal and custom service very importan, some female customers will request to have a low calorie meal,the second important is Sightseeing service (e.g. go for shopping mall and surrounding attractions, female will spend their leisure time to shoppinge.g. duty free?Then less important is Transportation (e.g. shuttle bus or limousine services),because female customers normally wear high heel, so shuttle is important.

Q4. Male thinks 24 hours room dining service& Basic room service (e.g. daily replace the towels) most important because they don't want to dine outside,,second important is Shoe shine service& Transportation (e.g. shuttle bus or limousine services),because they wear leather shoes often,if there is Shoe shine service, it will attract them to hotel. Most important difference between male and female is that male don't need sightseeing service

Q5. (Do you think the hotel in-room facilities and services are very important and indispensable?)90% say yes

Q6. (Do you think the hotel surroundings facilities are affecting business traveler its hotel selection?)70 to 80% say yes

Q7. (Which of the hotel surroundings facilities will attract you to select a hotel?)(both male and female think the location close to business center will affect their choice because business trip is exhausting. If near to business centre, then can save time and have more time to rest

Female thinks near to shopping mall is most important because they like to shop, next important is duty free shop, and then less important isInternational restaurant and cuisine,because female want to try different cuisine.

Male think duty free shop most important especially married male, because they need to buy gift for family. Least people think Theme park or Mass Transit RailwayStation important, because business client usually have cars for transportation, don't need Mass Transit Railway,


Q1. (Do you think Hong Kong hotels need to develop more female-based facilities and services to meet their needs?) 90% say YES

Q2. Which of the hotel facilities and services need to improve or develop for the female business customers? Special food menu (e.g. low carioles) & Healthy or vegetarian restaurant & Hotel shopping mall & Yoga room and mat & Skin care amenities (e.g. sanitary protection and facial mask etc.) &Duty free shop most important?Least female focus on Women-only floor, because don't want to label as weaker group

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This task provides a clear working example of chi square test statistic, independent sample t test, one way ANOVA and regression model. the study mainly focus on the customer requirements in choosing hotels. it is observed that most of the customers prefer Personal-care and Hygiene supplies.

Reference no: EM131463436

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4/15/2017 3:01:09 AM

3000 words for data analysis part in Improvement.doc questions already set, need expert to create result SPSS.doc: outline for the required data result questionnaire: questionnaire for reference First, I would like to thank you for conducting this survey which is about different preferences between male and female business travelers on its hotel selection. This questionnaire is used to analyze the most important factor which is affected both men and women business travelers its hotel selection preferences. In here, all the information and answer provided in the study will be handled anonymously. Also, all the result will be only used in this research for collecting and analyzing data.

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