Reference no: EM13783627
Final Assignment
• For the final project each student is required to write a 3,000 - 5,000 word final paper that addresses a contemporary controversy related to gender. This is an argumentative paper where students are expected to take a stance on a particular issue and find textual support to make their case. In order to complete this assignment, students must first find some kind of rhetorical artifact, social movement, communication process, or individual they find particularly interesting. Once a text or case study is chosen, students should embark on a scholarly research project. In order to make an argument, it is vital to have textual support. A minimum of EIGHT (8) outside ACADEMIC sourcesabout their particular research project are required. Remember, this is a minimum-to write the best paper it is vital to have a healthy amount of support to help argue the paper's thesis statement. Students are encouraged to be creative and devise the type of study that fits their interests and academic background. Here are a few different types of papers that can be written. Please note that students are not limited to these types of paper options. If there is another type of paper you would like to write, please feel free to pitch the idea to me in advance or within the final paper
1. Close textual analysis of how gender is communicated within a rhetorical artifact (i.e., you may take an advertisement, film, or song and conduct a close textual analysis of its underlying components. For example, let's say you're interested in the objectification of women in reality TV. You may want to examine a show like America's Next Top Model and discuss how the show contributes to gender stereotypes about female bodies).]
2. Analysis of communication and gender within a social movement (i.e., you may take a political group or organization and analyze how they form a community and discuss gender related issues. For example, let's say you are interested in the "It Gets Better" campaign. You may want to write about how the campaign addresses LGBTQ identity and issues related to coming out of the closet in the 21st century).
3. Analysis of gender within a communication process (i.e., you may examine a communication process and how it contributes to gender identity in contemporary society.
For example, let's say you want to examine the use of gendered pronouns in grade schools. A final paper could discuss how this contributes to the social construction of gender in childhood).
4. A scholarly activist paper written to a particular individual or organization (i.e., you may write a formal scholarly letter to an individual, organization or government body recommending a response to a contemporary controversy surrounding gender. For example, let's say you are interested in the ‘War on Women.' For the final paper you can chose to write a formal letter to your member of Congress outlining a particular gender controversy related to communication. In your paper you would both outline the current communication problem, as well as provide at least one or two practical solutions to help address their pressing concern).
Grading Criteria for All Written Assignments
Written assignments for this class should not just identify gendered forms of communication, but also highlight how they function and what implications they have for society. When writing discussion starters, online responses, and papers, please remember to make an argument and illustrate it with ample evidence. This course is graded with the idea that an A is reserved for outstanding work. This means that the assignment demonstrates strong critical-thinking skills, makes an argument, supports it with ample evidence and is virtually error free. In contrast, a C is reserved for average work. This means that the assignment follows the minimum requirements, but may be unclear or not contain enough support.
Here are a few guidelines to follow before submitting written documents:
• Assignments should follows ALL the guidelines posted to D2L.
• Ideas are clearly expressed and supported with ample evidence from the course readings and/or outside sources.
Communication 402, Spring 2014
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• Assignments contain proper grammar and spelling (i.e., the paper has been thoroughly proofread).
One way to ensure a paper is error free and easy to read is to read the paper out loud prior to
• Assignments contain a formal title that summarizes the key ideas or findings of the paper. Any assignment without a title or a general placeholder like "Short Paper" will automatically be subject to a 5% grade deduction.
• When used, sources are properly and consistently cited using either APAor Chicagostyle. Please choose one of these citation styles and stick to it.
• Specific grading rubrics are available on D2L in each assignment's dropbox.