Analysis of current department of homeland security

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Reference no: EM132828836

You are an action officer in one of the operating agencies or directorates of the Department Homeland Security and the US Citizenship and Immigration. You have been assigned to work in the budget development process of the agency or directorate. The senior budget officer has recently been assigned to this office and desires an information paper on the current Strategic Plan (StratPlan) of the agency or directorate to begin preparing for the next Strategic Plan and budget cycle. The budget director has reviewed your information paper (Individual Project 3). The budget director now desires an analysis and decision support paper. The specific intent is to determine if agency or directorate priorities are aligned with department priorities, and if not, what are the realignment requirements to correctly align agency or directorate priorities to the department priorities. Using the work completed in the Unit 3 Individual Project and your instructor's feedback, conduct an analysis in support of the budget director's objectives.

Conduct an analysis of the current Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Homeland Security Quadrennial Review (HSQR), Bottom Up Review (BUR), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Fiscal Years (FY) 2014-2018 Strategic Plan (StratPlan), and the DHS FY2015 Budget in Brief (BIB). Prepare a decision support paper. The paper provides a summary of the DHS Strategic Plan and Budget priorities, identifies any agency or directorate priority misalignments, and provides recommendations for agency or directorate program priority alignment within the DHS StratPlan. Justification of all recommendations is required within the report.

Purpose statement

Background discussion

Analysis methodology discussion

Summary and findings of review for each specified document:

Homeland Security Quadrennial Review (HSQR)

Bottom-Up Review (BUR)

the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Fiscal Years (FY) 2014-2018 Strategic Plan (StratPlan), and the DHS FY2015 Budget in Brief (BIB)

Reference no: EM132828836

Questions Cloud

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Analysis of current department of homeland security : Conduct an analysis of the current Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Homeland Security Quadrennial Review (HSQR), Bottom Up Review (BUR),
Documenting the decedent medical history : What is the purpose of documenting the decedent's medical history? Where/how would you obtain the information?
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Identified between criminal judicial process : Design a comparative table in which similarities and differences are identified between the criminal judicial process
Describe how religion contributed to rise : Describe how religion contributed to the rise and fall of both civilizations.


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