Reference no: EM133535970
According to Army Doctrine leader development must foster the cognitive, social, and physical competencies associated with the human dimension. War fundamentally remains a human contest of wills, despite the advances in technology. Producing a professional NCO corps demands a comprehensive Human Dimension Strategy oriented on the individual, the team, and the institution.
The roles and responsibilities for the NCO have always been to lead, train, and care for Soldiers and equipment while enforcing standards. The Army must have a cohort of competent and committed NCOs of character as trusted professionals who thrive in chaos, adapt, and win in a complex world. The Army's NCO 2020 Strategy provides the ways, means, and ends to develop a professional, trained, and ready NCO corps that is essential to remain as the world's premier fighting force.
Leader development is further enhanced by recognizing, developing, and maturing talents in Soldiers while simultaneously managing talent to meet the immediate and long-term goals of the ALDS. Together, leader development and talent management build on the fundamentals.
Talent is the intersection of three dimensions-skills, knowledge, and behaviors-for a optimal level of individual performance, provided individuals are employed within their talent set. Talent management is a way to enhance Army readiness by maximizing the potential of the Army's greatest asset-our people. By better understanding the talent of the workforce and the talent necessary to meet capability needs by unit requirements, the Army can more effectively acquire, develop, employ, and retain the right talent at the right time. In Army talent management, "best" equals best fit for the work at hand.
Analyze the concepts and theories you read about in S301; utilizing key language and terms from these concepts and theories, write on the challenges of talent management and how a SGM can engage organizational members for competitive success in future assignments while ensuring their organizational members remain adaptable. Keep in mind your analysis of the content material and your personal experience will help you with this paper.
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