Analysis of a business ethics decision situation

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Reference no: EM132160762

Assignment - Please evaluate the guidelines & let me know if this paper can be written on the topic of "Dying With Dignity." (The Right to Die).

Project - Business Ethics

INTRODUCTION - Your assignment is to write a 5 to 8 pages thorough analysis of a business ethics decision situation, assessing the situation and the possible resolutions through as many of the 'lenses' discussed in this course as are relevant. The purpose of this project is to give you practice and show your current ability to identify, assess, and weigh relevant business ethics issues when confronted with a new decision situation. The goal of this project is to demonstrate your ability to use the knowledge that you've obtained in your Business Ethics course. Your textbook should be your primary reference.

INSTRUCTIONS - The student should select a business ethics issue that he or she finds interesting and write an analysis of the issue and potential decisions/solutions, using the concepts introduced in his or her course book. Students may choose:

  • A situation currently in the news
  • A situation described by one of the business leaders in the Fast Company article:
  • A high quality hypothetical business ethics issue (from literature, movies, or one he or she creates)

Be sure to choose an example for analysis that seems interesting, difficult, or complicated.


Step 1: Select an example for your analysis as outlined above.

Step 2: Perform your analysis. Apply the recommended high quality, ethical decision-making process described in your course book. You will want to consider the facts of the situation, the ethical lenses, legal, regulatory, and any other more specific lenses that might be applicable. Describe how the key concepts apply, explain why the decision is difficult/complicated. Recommend the course of action you believe is 'best' taking all the relevant considerations into account.

Your textbook should be your primary reference. Your paper may also include independent and reliable sources (many of which you might access from your textbook's chapter notes). You should feel free to consult sources on the Internet. However, always make sure your work is original and well-documented. Notes from a website should include the source of the site. This is done to establish that the site is authoritative and not merely idle opinion. Use APA style for citations and the Works Cited page. For information on APA style format see the Penn Foster Library.

Step 3: Write a first draft of your essay. Your paper should be written using a word-processing program, such as Microsoft Word or a Word-compatible program. Your analysis should be five to eight written pages. The essay should include a brief introduction, several paragraphs examining the key issues, your recommended course of action, and a conclusion that acknowledges arguments for and against your recommended decision. (Recommendation: Finish your first draft several days before you plan to finalize your paper. It's best to set it aside for a couple of days before moving on to the completion.)

Step 4: Complete your final draft. Carefully review your written essay, correct any errors, and submit your final draft to your instructor. (Recommendation: Read your essay out loud to yourself. Doing this will help make you aware of gaps, redundancies, and areas where the writing should be improved.) Use the following Writing Guidelines to complete and submit your essay. Include a title page and a bibliography of sources. The last page after the main body of the essay should provide a list of your reference sources.

Verified Expert

In this essay we have included different aspects of application of 'The Right To Die' in healthcare organisation. Different ethical grounds related to the application of the The Right to Die has included in this essay. Moreover legal issues related to the application of Dying with Dignity is comprised in this essay which can help to elaborate the grounds of application of this process on the basis of legislation and related ethical factors associated with it.

Reference no: EM132160762

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11/5/2018 9:50:41 PM

Please evaluate the guidelines & let me know if this paper can be written on the topic of "Dying With Dignity." (The Right to Die). The goal of this project is to demonstrate your ability to use the knowledge that you’ve obtained in your Business Ethics course. Your textbook should be your primary reference. Be sure to choose an example for analysis that seems interesting, difficult, or complicated. Use APA style for citations and the Works Cited page. For information on APA style format see the Penn Foster Library.


11/5/2018 9:50:34 PM

The last page after the main body of the essay should provide a list of your reference sources. Example situation selected involves several different kinds of issues and provides plenty of complexity for the analysis (Remember, the way a situation is described enables the reader to see the complexity!) Describes the example situation Explains the facts Identifies all relevant ‘lenses’ (for example, ethical, legal, regulatory) Shows completeness in thought process applied to identifying relevant lenses.


11/5/2018 9:50:27 PM

Explains how the lenses apply – (what would a utilitarian assessment say, what would a Kantian evaluation say?) Explains legal and regulatory views (perhaps corporate culture) of the issues at stake Takes stakeholders into account Indicates which values, legal obligations, ethical perspectives seem most compelling and why Recommends a resolution to the situation (for example, Sally should do x, y and z) Explains reasons for this decision, in spite of the reasons against this decision (acknowledges both sides). Is clearly written and articulate Use of language reflects nuances in the complex situation.


11/5/2018 9:50:21 PM

Follows all formatting instructions completely. SUBMITTING YOUR PROJECT Each project is individually graded by your instructor, and therefore takes up to a few weeks to grade. Be sure that each of your three files contains the following information: Your name, Your student ID number, The lesson number (50034500), Your e-mail address.

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