Analysis fintech and traditional financial product

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM131735618

Research - How can the New Financial Technology that revolutionize the Traditional Financial Service and E-Commerce

Research Aim:

Under the 21st Century, the world of finance, particularly the banking sector, is undoubted most importance to the people of his lives. Traditional banking has changed significantly during the last century but, today, a new epoch of financial technology (hereafter called "FinTech) has emerged. "Fintech" is a rapidly expanding segment of the financial market that is receiving much attention from investors and increasing regulatory scrutiny.

The emergence of the "Fintech" is defined who is attracting the interest from new generations who are turning their backs on traditional players. The digital adjustment of the banking and financial sector at large is based on a move towards greater productivity through the use of new tools that reduce distribution costs.

Fintech provides alternative solutions and business models that could render traditional banking processes obsolete. Financial sector creates a massive amount of data exploiting by Fintech companies that are using to segment customer populations, identify opportunities for new products and services and optimize pricing. In this segment, products may use data and analytics to computerize the decision- making processes. Innovative start-ups, retailers, established banks, card companies and other payment services providers are the Payment systems that underpin the services that enable funds to be transferred between people and institutions. For the financial system (banking), Fintech offers sustainable and realistic opportunities by enhancing the value proposition and driving sales, reducing operating costs, making easy access to loans, and lowering interest rates. After showing the advantages of using Fintech services, the findings are that Fintech could improve both financial services and access to services in the West African economy.

Research Objectives (between 2 and 4):

1) Analysis Fintech and Traditional Financial Product

2) Regulators are wariness of innovation in finance is attributed to the fact that periods of rapid financial innovation are typically followed by crises

3) Engaging new players is increasingly important as they lead innovation in new financial technology.

4) The Improvement for the traditional to e-commerce.

4. Key Literature; Models & Theories (the Theoretical/Conceptual Framework):

Regard on this research, we will dividable into two subject, the first topic is "how the fintech revolted the traditional financial service" and the second is "how the fintech improve the e-commerce", the search theories will use the Explain Phenomena and the analyse and compare the products by using the following keywords : -

Banking, Fintech Revolution, Financial Services, Relationship, Innovation, Popular press and Security

5. Research Methodology
Secondary Research Data, there was no methodology and reference stated.

6. Time Line of Dissertation
From March to May to complete the objective no. 1)
From June to July to complete the objective no. 2)
From August to September to complete the objective no. 3
From October to November to complete the objective no. 4.)
From December to January to complete the paper
At February to check and finalize the paper.

Around 10 months to finish the research material and one month for finalize the paper.

Verified Expert

The research topic under consideration involves working in the Fintech or the financial technologies which are destined to be some of the most groundbreaking innovations of the future. Through detailed literature reviews the different themes with respect to the Fintech effects & its advantages have been identified. The research & literature or journal or case study reviews have yielded significant results. The solution in total contains 10,000 words & has been done by using the Harvard Referencing Style.

Reference no: EM131735618

Questions Cloud

Discuss about the narrow stock market application : The CAPM was originally (and is still primarily only) applied within the stock market. Nevertheless, describe the two types of corrections or customizations.
Exponential smoothing have over moving averages : What advantages as a forecasting tool does exponential smoothing have over moving averages?
Discuss a proposal to top management : A proposal to top management, suggesting that the sour sales regions in the United States be combined into just two regions
Think they align with your conflict style assessment : Think about the emotions you feel in conflict and discuss whether and how you think they align with your conflict style assessment?
Analysis fintech and traditional financial product : How can the New Financial Technology that revolutionize the Traditional Financial Service and E-Commerce - Analysis Fintech and Traditional Financial Product
Describe the multifactor asset pricing model : Consider a simple multifactor asset pricing model with only two factors, the market portfolio and unexpected inflation.
Is any information missing which makes decision difficult : Evaluate the pro's and con's and determine if this was best decision given circumstances. Is there any information missing which makes this decision difficult
Clause permitting francis to extend the lease : Francis tells Ella that she will sign a lease if it includes a clause permitting Francis to extend the lease at the same amount of rent.
Discuss video cameras will be installed at all entrances : Beginning next Monday, video cameras will be installed at all entrances to the building, and your entry and exit times



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1/11/2018 4:57:26 AM

On 19th give me half, and on 2nd finish all, ok? please redeem my $xx from the assignment. The layout is good to go. I will discuss with tutor tmr and revert to you afterwards. No need primary research but must have data from secondary research, Any topic or direction is fine. I Want to inform the words already present in the research proposal will be used further. In total the final dissertation will be of 10,000 words (Including your proposal words) Please get this approval. relevant words can be used thanks. As i said, "No need primary research but must have data from secondary research " And a direction suggested by tutor for this topic: should compare situation in Hong Kong and China (or US, India, Japan etc) so far great, please check the two photos of hints and requirement from lecturer today. 26277746_1WhatsApp Image at 172614.jpeg 26277749_2WhatsApp Image at 172615.jpeg


11/24/2017 12:27:50 AM

This should be an attempt to answer the research question posed in the proposal. It should normally incorporate an in-depth critical review of the related academic literature and recommendations as to a practical implementation of a solution to the identified research problem. Critical evaluation of the academic theory used should help to form the conclusions. Hard copy should be submitted to the Assignment Collection Box of SHAPE(PEAK) at 9/F, VTC Tower. For soft copy (in form of Microsoft Word format), please upload to Moodle. You should always enter your name and complete all other details on a coursework cover sheet and also ensure that your student ID number and the module number are on the front page of the coursework itself. It must be stressed that all marks notified to you during the year are provisional until confirmed by the end of year Subject Assessment Board. It is possible that notified marks may be raised or lowered by this Board.


11/24/2017 12:27:36 AM

The intended learning outcomes 1-5 will be assessed through 10,000 word dissertation. Students will be expected to produce a 400 words (no more than 800 words) proposal which will be formatively assessed. Please note that no coursework will be marked until an identical electronic copy has also been submitted for a plagiarism check.


11/24/2017 12:27:28 AM

There will be introductory lectures at the beginning of the academic term where guidance on research methods will be given. The student and subject supervisor will then meet periodically to monitor progress throughout the research, checking achievement against the agreed objectives. It is envisaged that students will normally use secondary data for their dissertations and will not conduct primary research, e.g. questionnaires.


11/24/2017 12:27:21 AM

Grade Aimed: A or B, need to get Hons Word: 10000 words Topics: ** Currently used Fintech as the topic. Writer could change to another if he found better. proposal approved already Requirement: Must use Secondary Data. The intended learning outcomes are that on completion of this module the student should be able to: 1. Take responsibility for the identification, planning, research and writing of a major written project. 2. Apply appropriate research methods in the investigation of a business issue. 3. Identify and critically review relevant business concepts and theories from the available academic literature. 4. Draw conclusions based on a critical analysis of evidence collected. 5. Communicate research findings in an effective manner.

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