Analysis - Business Process Models and strategy analysis

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Reference no: EM131897177 , Length: word count:3000

Information Management Report Assignment - "CC Music" Consultancy Report

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding

  • Critically analyse the theory, concepts and models of operations and information management and demonstrate an understanding of the strategic importance of information management in global organisations.
  • Evaluate critically the fundamental principles of information systems and the significance of a socio-technical approach to their use in organisations.
  • Select and apply appropriate problem-solving and improvement approaches for information systems in organisations.

Transferable/Key Skills and other Attributes

  • Identify and utilise appropriate methods for collecting and analysing data related to operations and information management
  • Locate, summarise and synthesise a range of information from published literature and electronic sources on operations and information management
  • Use communication skills; listening; questioning; oral and written; using a range of media, including the preparation of audit report and delivering presentations;
  • Show effective use of Communication and Information Technology (CIT) by creating a report;

Assignment Brief -

As Case Study: CC Music

Chris and Clive are both former music and music technology teachers who have recently taken early retirement. However, they have a long history of playing in bands and being session musicians, therefore they intend to remain busy. A Northern Soul band that they have worked with for many years, touring around the North West of England, will now become their focus. Chris and Clive have always managed all aspects of the band (studio work, playing at events, parties, TV and radio programmes). They publicise the band via a website, deal with all booking arrangements over the phone, and receive contracts and cheque payments through the post. The other six band members simply turn up and play. The band has always played at least twelve gigs a year, but this is likely to increase substantially now that they can commit more time to networking and promotions. As such, they will be required to take a much more professional approach. In addition, several other bands have asked if they will represent them for an agreed fee. As a professional route, this would mean considerable time working as music agents to promote other artists.

Chris and Clive are aware that starting the agency would require a business approach. They would be responsible for; social media marketing, keeping business accounts, providing an updated calendar of events, and keeping track of the communications between themselves, the clients who want to book bands, and the bands who are signed to CC Music.

They realise that technology will play an important part in the business. They have read about Customer Relationship Management software and Enterprise Resource Management software, but just don't know what kind of information technology support they really need as a small to medium enterprise (SME). They require professional business information technology advice before they can make any final decisions about investing funds in business software. Also, they are very keen on the potential of Open Source Software to keep the cost to a minimum.

Growing CC Music into a full-time small business is also of interest to younger family members who want to be involved. Chris has a daughter and Clive has a niece, both of whom are keen to support the business and potentially manage the business in the future. They have all agreed to run the business in a democratic style and, as such, everyone will have an equal vote on any business decisions. Therefore, CC Music requires a report that can be read and understood by all of them. You are the OIM consultant who is responsible for researching this business and providing a consultancy report.

Task details and instructions -

Task - You are a consultant who has been employed to advise CC Music on the effective implementation of strategic changes. You are required to produce the following:

Part A: Analysis - Business Process Models and strategy analysis

In this section you should develop

1. A series of at least two Business Process Models to capture the existing and your proposed business processes for CC Music. The models should follow the BPMN notation. It is recommended that you use Microsoft Visio to create the models although you may if you prefer use Word, PowerPoint or appropriate alternatives.

2. Strategic analysis for CC Music. You should use at least one recognised analysis technique such as SWOT, PESTLE etc.

Part B: Open Source Software Comparison Table

In this section, you should conduct research into a suitable software solution for CC Music. You should decide on the set of characteristics which you will use to evaluate the software and your research should consider 4-5 alternatives in detail. This section should be presented as a table.

Part C: Report

In this section, you should write a report which provides an overview of the current situation for CC Music together with a roadmap outlining how the proposed changes to the business can be achieved to the benefit of the business. This should draw on your analysis in Part A, include your recommendation for software in Part B, and provide recommendations for ensuring that the strategy is effectively implemented, including consideration of the challenges ahead.

This section, should follow standard report structure: Title Page - Contents - Introduction - Main Section - Conclusions and Recommendations - References.

Part D: Reflection on your contribution to the online discussion and wiki

In this section you should submit a 250 word reflective summary, accompanied by your own self-assessment of your contribution to the online elements throughout the module, using the table labelled Reflection Self-Assessment Pro forma in Appendix A (copy and paste it into your assignment document). The reflective report should include your detailed reflection, supported with evidence (pasted URLs) from the online discussion and wiki, detailed below:

You should use appropriate theories, frameworks, models, that we have covered in the module, to inform and justify your recommendations.

Use the RKC Class Forum Threads to Help With Your Assignment

The unit's discussion threads should be used by you to explore the assignment further. It is recommended that you use these to:

  • Share papers and articles that you have found on relevant topics (remember to include links / reference / pdfs if you do this!)
  • Discuss the changes to the ways of working for CC Music - i.e. discuss what processes will change, and explore how these might work in practice. You might also consider the changing information needs of the business
  • Discuss and share examples of Open Source software that could be of use for CC Music.

Please don't be shy in using these discussion threads - the purpose is to give you experience of using collaborative technologies.

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM131897177

Questions Cloud

How do the codes affect standards : How do the codes affect standards? What impact do the codes have on inspections? What are the impacts of not enforcing the code?
Which alternative should be selected : Each of the alternatives shown has a five-year useful life. If MARR is 10%, which alternative should be selected? Solve the problem by benefit-cost ratio analys
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What will be the future value of that account : If you deposit that tax savings in a savings account for the next 5 years at 4%, what will be the future value of that account?
Analysis - Business Process Models and strategy analysis : Information Management Report Assignment - "CC Music" Consultancy Report. Analysis - Business Process Models and strategy analysis
What is the project net present value : The required rate of return is 8.20%. What is the project's net present value (NPV)?
How the system behavior is different from the standard case : Assignment: Experiment with the Daisy World- Describe how the system behavior is different from the standard case. Explain what you see.
Compute the correlation coefficient : Compute the correlation coefficient. Conduct a test of hypothesis to determine if it is reasonable to conclude that the population correlation.
Estimate the value or each share of common stock : Estimate the value (per share) or each share of common stock using the free cash flow information above, and assuming a discount rate of 13.93%.



3/12/2018 1:24:46 AM

Part A - Analysis – Business Process Models and strategy analysis - 1000 words (equivalent to). Part B -Open Source Software Comparison Table 500 words (equivalent to). Part C – Report, 1250 words and Part D - Reflection on your contribution to the online discussion and wiki, 250 words. Total 3000 words. Submission deadline/ Assessment date and time - Upload your report by the end of Unit 6 - midnight (Swiss time) March 11th. Mode of submission - Submissions should be machine readable and uploaded to RKC in MS-Word format only; submit only one file, and include any other input as images inside the submission document, not embedded files.


3/12/2018 1:24:40 AM

Tutors will answer questions on the structure of the assignment in the Forum. Details of the following can be found on the UoS website, or RKC’s StudentCare can be asked about specific issues: Academic Misconduct - The University takes all forms of academic misconduct seriously. This includes plagiarism, asking someone else to write your assessment for you or taking notes into an exam. You can find out how to avoid academic misconduct on the UoS website. Assessment Information - Questions about assessment rules. Personal Mitigating Circumstances - If personal mitigating circumstances may have affected your ability to complete this assessment.


3/12/2018 1:24:33 AM

If you fail your assessment, and are eligible for reassessment, you will receive notice of your resit assignment in due course from StudentCare. Made several good contributions and one or more outstanding contribution. Clear referencing of well-chosen and highly relevant sources. Skill shown in weaving contributions into the discussions and wiki, and following up on contributions of others. Deep reflection shown, with clear and substantial evidence from online discussion and wiki.

Write a Review

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