Analysing the important features of qube

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131053901 , Length: word count:2000

Assessment Topic - QUBE

You need to make a report on Qube.

After reading further background material on the company and relevant case studies on related companies, prepare a 2300 -2500 word report analysing the important features of Qube, and identify logistics management strategies to resolve the issues.

In your report you need to consider:

-The main problems at with the current logistics network in NSW

-How they might be resolved

-What, if any, involvement should the NSW government have in the resolution of the problems

To support your analysis and recommendations, you need to:

Use a minimum of 8 academic journal articles, plus the text supporting your identification of problems and proposals / recommendations to resolve the problems (better marks will be awarded for more than 8).

2500 words.

10 harvard reference.

Reference no: EM131053901

Questions Cloud

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What role did the various layers of aviation security play : What role did the various layers of aviation security play in preventing the attempted attacks after 9/11? Explain - were the effective layers tactical, policy driven, or a combination of both? Explain.
Analysing the important features of qube : After reading further background material on the company and relevant case studies on related companies, prepare a 2300 -2500 word report analysing the important features of Qube, and identify logistics management strategies to resolve the issues
Calculate in msec the average time needed to search : Assume that the records are ordered via some key field. Calculate the average number of block accesses and the average time needed to search for an arbitrary record in the file, using binary search.
Affect an organization entering in that industry : Prepare a research report of industry characteristics that will affect an organization entering in that industry. Your description must contain the following aspects:
How many fish will you catch to maximize profit : Suppose that you can sell each fish for $5. How many fish will you catch to maximize profit? Explain. Suppose that you purchase your rod and begin fishing. Suddenly, the price of fish drops to $2.10 each. How many fish will you catch to maximize p..
What is russias stand in climate change : What is Russias stand in climate change? What are the biggest problems enviromentally?


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