Analysing AS-IS business processes for equipment

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Reference no: EM131826761 , Length: word count:1800

Assignment 1 Analysing AS-IS Business Processes for Equipment, materials and service acquisition process at Somewhere

Case Study - Equipment, materials and service acquisition process at Somewhere University.


This assignment requires you to demonstrate your understanding of the basic concepts and context of Business Processes and Business Process Management from both a theoretical and practical level. This is to be done in three stages. Stage 1 (this assignment) simply models the current process of the case you selected, highlights the current problems and suggests areas for potential improvement. If management concur with your report they intend to hire you to complete stage 2 (assignment 2 Part 1) which is to make detailed recommendations for improvement by adopt best practices and methodologies. Final stage, stage 3 (assignment 2 Part 2) which makes detailed recommendation(s) for long term improvement on Design & Execute a Process Automation Solution

Your assignment should be written in the form of a review aimed at the management and staff of the organisation with the current process and the current issues that have been identified. You may agree or disagree with those issues identified in the case study and suggest other issues not identified. There are many issues/problems in the current process. For assignment 1, individual effort, you should provide an overview of all major issues/problems listed in the case file, but only select THREE which you consider to be the most essential to resolve. Discuss this in detail, providing your reasoning. Do not make any specific recommendations at this stage.

The description of the case study processes has been provided to you. However, it may need more information in some sections. At the postgraduate level, you are required to do some research to add detail as necessary to the case we provided. You are allowed to make reasonable assumptions based on your experience and research. All assumptions have to be clearly explained in your report.

Your Tasks

Your work should include two parts:

Part 1 Business Process Modelling:
- Model the process(es) in BPMN using the BizAgi Modeler. BizAgi Modeler has a report generator that can output in PDF format. However, this utility outputs much more than diagrams. Furthermore, the diagrams are shrunk to fit the report format. It is therefore unsuitable to use the BizAgi Modeler report generator as is. Instead, simply highlight each diagram in BizAgi, copy and paste it into the report, crop and resize.
- Each diagram should occupy no more than one page.
- All diagrams in the file must be printable as is, within margins and all diagram elements legible. Layout your diagrams to ensure all contents are readable when your submission is printed on A4 paper. Check the final result is readable. Indecipherable content cannot be assessed and will attract a mark of zero.
- It is up to you how you structure and layout the process diagram. The diagrams must be formatted in a logical and elegant way. The diagrams should adhere to the qualities mentioned in lectures and must be legal BPMN.
- You must provide the main process and reasonable number (at least 3) of sub-processes.
- The process modelled should match what you have described in your analysis report.
- The views of models must be consistent with each other, enabling the whole analysis to make sense.

Part 2 Report

Your report should be no more than 1500 words +/-10%, and it should:

- describe the organisation, its structure and culture and how these impact on their processes and process re-design projects;
- explain the business process layers (for process layers, we suggest you use a diagram);
- analyse the case current business process(es) by consider all the key issues/problems listed, and select THREE which you consider to be the most essential to resolve and discuss why these issues/problems need to be addressed. What are some of the opportunities if the problem/issue is addressed? Any assumptions? Any limitations? No implementation of recommendation details is required in this stage. The detailed suggested changes will be addressed specifically in the assignment 2.

Reference no: EM131826761

Questions Cloud

Describe the three logical components of an ids : Provide an example of an activity that may occur in each of the attack steps used by an intruder. Describe the three logical components of an IDS.
What are three benefits that can be provided by an ids : What are three benefits that can be provided by an IDS? What is the difference between a false positive and a false negative in the context of an IDS?
Show the relationship between weight measured : (a) Describe the relationship between height and weight. (b) Write the equation of the regression line. Interpret the slope and intercept in context.
List and briefly describe some data sources used in a hids : What is the difference between signature detection and rule-based heuristic identification? List and briefly describe some data sources used in a HIDS.
Analysing AS-IS business processes for equipment : INF80028 – Business Process Management describe the organisation, its structure and culture and how these impact on their processes and process design project
Describe the types of sensors that can be used in a nids : What advantages do a Distributed HIDS provide over a single system HIDS? Describe the types of sensors that can be used in a NIDS.
What are possible locations for nids sensors : What are possible locations for NIDS sensors? Are either anomaly detection or signature and heuristic detection techniques or both used in NIDS?
Define political skills to advance your change agenda : Are you politically skilled? Do you use political skills to advance your change agenda? Who are the other "politicians" in your organization?
What types of information could be used : What types of information could be used? What does this use suggest to you about the content and detail of such information?



1/22/2018 6:28:28 AM

D – (70 - 80) Produced a word-processed report that demonstrated understanding of the complexities of the concepts and issues relevant to the tasks. Achieved effective selection and ordering of ideas. Demonstrated a high level of scholarship. Presented a view on the topic with confidence, using fluent and persuasive language. C – (60 - 70) Produced a word-processed report that identified major aspects of the tasks. Demonstrated an adequate level of scholarship. Achieved a coherent ordering of ideas and expressed a view in clear and accurate language. P – (50 - 60) Produced a word-processed report that identified some aspects of the tasks. Demonstrated some evidence of scholarship. Presented some ideas relevant to the topic. Demonstrated adequate organisation and language control.


1/22/2018 6:28:18 AM

Any request for extension must be directed to the convenor using the Application for Extension form available in the Assessment section on Blackboard before the assignment due date. You must include appropriate supporting documentation such as a doctor's certificate or a letter from your employer. These forms may be scanned and emailed to the convener. Sample Grade Descriptions for Assignment one report The grade descriptions represent features typically to be found in work at each grade level; they do not attempt to match or describe precisely the work of any individual student. HD – (80 - 100) Produced a word-processed report demonstrating a clear understanding of the concepts and issues relevant to the tasks, and their wider implications in a substantiated view that was organised and cohesive. Demonstrated a very high level of scholarship. Used fluent and persuasive language, with assurance and precision, to achieve a highly effective communication for the reader.


1/22/2018 6:28:07 AM

You MUST use the Harvard Referencing style throughout your report and include an accurate list of references at the end of the report • Pages of the report should have appropriate headers and footers and should include printed page numbers • Font size 12 and 1.5-line spacing • On the front page of all assessments submitted you must include: o Full names and student IDs o Unit code and name, assessment number, due date and % weighting


1/22/2018 6:27:54 AM

Just submit a single MSWord document. Archives with multiple files and/or subfolders will not be accepted. • A word-processed report with no more than 1500 +/- 10% words which includes: o Executive Summary (not included in the word count) o Table of Contents (not included in the word count) o Introduction o Business Background and any assumptions made (for example on business conditions) o Main body (Discussion addressing the Task Requirements) o Conclusion: Explain what you need to do to next and how to prepare the process re-design project. (e.g., Do you need to identify priorities, requirements? Do you need to conduct a feasibility analysis and stakeholder analysis? Any issues which will influence management decisions for the process re-design and development? Should you set a change management plan? …. it has to be brief, you do not need to provide detailed analysis at this stage.). Do not make recommendations on how to fix the current process(es) or problems as you will do this in assignment 2.


1/22/2018 6:27:40 AM

Due: Friday, 19th @ 9:00am AEDST Assessment Value = 20% This is an Individual assignment. Your submission should include: • Submit one copy of report and Bizagi file. • Submit report via Turnitin Assignment 1 link on INF80028 Blackboard > Assessment>Assignments>Assignment Submission Link. • Submit Bizagi file though Bizagi submission link on the Blackboard>Assessment>Assignments>Assessment Submission links.

Write a Review

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