Analysing and reporting on the Pupil Health Survey

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Reference no: EM131954334

Advanced Educational Research Assignment - Quantitative Assignment - Analysing and reporting on the Pupil Health Survey

Please read all of the following carefully.

Background to the study -

In 2007 the University of Glasgow undertook a piece of research for the local Health Board. This work involved conducting a large survey of pupils in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year in all Glasgow's secondary schools. In each school half of the pupils were selected for inclusion in the survey. In total, 9246 pupils took part in the study.

  • The PDF document 'Glasgow health and wellbeing questionnaire' is a copy of the questionnaire used.
  • The SPSS data-file 'Health 2014 assignment' contains all of the survey responses. However, a number of variables and areas included in the questionnaire have been excluded from the database since they are not relevant to this assignment.

In this assignment you have three tasks to address. Each task should be written up as a separate section of your assignment report.

Task 1 - Profile the survey respondents

Investigate the following variables to 'describe' the pupils who took part in the survey.


Question number

Notes on the data



Nominal/Categorical data



Scale (measurement) data

Year group


Ordinal data



Q8 is a standard instrument for measuring tendency towards depression. A score is calculated for pupils who complete all of the instrument items. Raw scores (measurement data) are contained under the file variable Depress (low scores means increased likelihood of experiencing depression). The variable Depresgrp (nominal/categorical data) categorises the pupils into two groups - 'less likely to experience depression' and more 'likely to experience depression'. Original responses to Q8a-8g have been removed.



Q9 is a standard instrument for measuring self-esteem. Again a score is calculated for those pupils who complete all of the instrument items. Raw scores (measurement data) are contained under the file variable Esteem (higher scores means higher levels of self-esteem). The variable Esteemgrp (nominal/categorical data) categorises the pupils into two groups - 'high self-esteem' and 'low self-esteem'. Original responses to Q9a-9j have been removed.

Illness and disability


Nominal/Categorical data

Asylum seekers


Nominal/Categorical data

Task 2 - Investigate the health data

Select one area from the following list and conduct analysis on the data. This analysis should attempt to identify which, if any groups of pupils (e.g. males/females, those with high or low self- esteem etc.) are more or less likely to engage in certain activities/behaviours.

Questionnaire section

Pages and question numbers

Notes on data

How do you feel?

Page 1 to page 5. Questions 5, 6, 7, 10a, 10b, 11a, 11b, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Includes items on worries, mood, bullying etc.

Physical activity

Page 6 to page 8. Questions 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32.

Exercise, travel to school, sport.

Your Diet

Page 8 and page 9. Questions 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41

Type and frequency of food, healthy eating.


Page 10 and page 11. Questions 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50

Q42 has been recoded. The new categories are 'smoker' and 'non- smoker'. Frequency, duration and amount.

Drinking Alcohol & Drugs (this includes both alcohol and drug sections)

Page 12 and page 13. Questions 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56

Q51 has been recoded. The new categories are 'regular drinker' and 'irregular/non-drinker'. Frequency, types, amount.

Task 3 - Comparing your findings with other relevant studies

The final task is to look at your findings from Task 1 and Task 2 in relation to other relevant research and comment on any similarities and differences. For example, if you investigated smoking; then you should look for studies on young people (secondary school age?), and smoking behaviour.


Q1. What secondary school do you go to?

Q2. Which primary school did you go to?

Q3. How old are you?

Q4. What year group are you in?

Q5. How have you felt about yourself in general, over the last year?

Q6. How much control do you have over the way your life is going in general?

Q7. How have you felt, about your health in general, over the last year?

Q8. Here are some descriptions of feelings. Thinking about the last month, please say whether you have felt this way most of the time, sometimes or never.

Q9. How much do you agree with the following?

Q10a. Which, if any, of these things do you worry about?

Q10b. Which one do you worry about the most?

Q11a. Is there anyone you can talk to and trust about personal things or worries?

Q11b. Who, if any, of the following do you talk to and trust about personal things or worries?

Q12. Have you been bullied in this school in the past year?

Q13. Do you ever feel afraid of going to school because of bullying?

Q14. Have you bullied or frightened someone in this school in the past year?

Q15. Have any of these things happened to you because of your skin colour in the past year?

Q16. Have any of these things happened to you because of your religion in the past year?

Q17. Do you have any illness or disability that is likely to go on for a long time?

Q18. What is your illness or disability?

Q19. Does this illness or disability limit what you can do?

Q20. Have any of these things happened to you because you have a disability in the past year?

Q21. How many times did you clean your teeth yesterday?

Q22. When did you last go to the dentist?

Q23. How do you usually travel to school?

Q24. If you go to school by car, how many other children at your school are usually in the car as well?

Q25. How many days in the past week (if any) did you walk, cycle or skate to or from school?

Q26. Do you own a bicycle?

Q27. How long does it take you to travel to school (one way)?

Q28. If you had the choice how would you prefer to travel to school?

Q29. Including activities done at school and outside school, how many times a week do you take part in sport, exercise or physical activity that makes you breathe harder or sweat a bit?

Q30. On average how long do each of these periods of activity last?

Q31. Do you take part in any sport, exercise or physical activity in your spare time (that is, outside of school PE lessons)?

Q32. Generally speaking, how often do you do sport / exercise in your spare time?

Q33. Did you eat breakfast this morning?

Q34. Where did you eat your breakfast?

Q35. What did you have for your breakfast this morning?

Q36. Did you eat anything at lunchtime yesterday? (If you were not at school yesterday, please think about the last day you were at school.)

Q37. Where did you eat lunch yesterday? (or the last day you were at school)

Q38. What did you have for lunch yesterday? (or the last day you were at school)

Q39. What drink or drinks did you have during lunch time yesterday? (or the last day you were at school)

Q40. How many portions of fruit did you eat yesterday?

Q41. How many portions of vegetable or salad (not potatoes) did you eat yesterday?

Q42. Which of the following best describes you?

Q43. If you smoke every day, please write in the number of cigarettes you smoke in an average day.

If you smoke some days, please write in the number of cigarettes you smoke in an average week.

Q44. How old were you when you had your first puff of a cigarette?

Q45. Where do you usually get your cigarettes from?

Q46. How much do you usually spend on cigarettes in an average week?

Q47. Where do you get the money to buy cigarettes?

Q48. Would you like to stop smoking?

Q49. Does anyone in your home smoke?

Q50. Do any of your friends smoke?

Q51. How often do you drink alcohol?

Q52. Which of the following do you drink?

Q53. How often would you say you get drunk?

Q54. How much do usually spend on alcohol per week?

Q55. Have you ever taken non-prescription drugs?

Q56. Which, if any, of these drugs have you taken in the last year?

Q57. Do you go to a local youth club or centre?

Q58. Is there anything stopping you, or putting you off going to a youth club or centre?

Q59. Are you aware of a health service in or near to your school that is for young people only?

Q60. Have you heard of ChildLine?

Q61. Have you heard of the Sandyford Initiative?

Q62. Please say in one sentence what you think Sandyford provides?

Q63. Have you heard of The Place at Sandyford?

Q64. Please say in one sentence what you think The Place at Sandyford provides?

Q65. Do you currently hold a Glasgow Young Scot Card?

Q66. Have you used it for any of the following activities?

Q67. Have you been to any of the following in the last year?

Q68. Which one facility do you visit most often?

Q69. How often do you go to the swimming pool?

Q70. Can you swim?

Q71. Which, if any, of these things have you done in the last year?

Q72. Do you have a computer at home?

Q73. Are you allowed to use your computer at home?

Q74. Do you have access to the internet at home?

Q75. How long do you spend on a computer on an average day?

Q76. Does anyone in your family have any of the following?

Q77. Do you ever look after or care for them?

Q78. How many hours a week do you spend looking after or caring for them?

Q79. How, if at all, do your caring responsibilities affect you?

Q80. Do you have a part-time job?

Q81. What job do you do?

Q82. How many hours did you work last week? (that is, the week ending last Sunday)?

Q83. Have any of the following ever happened to you?

Q84. Would you say that any of these events are bothering / having an effect on you at the moment?

Q85. What effect is it / are they having on you?

Q86. What do you hope to do as soon as you finish school (at the end of S4)?

Q87. How likely do you think it is that you will be charged, fined or have a criminal record by the time you are 20?

Q88. Do your parents / carers encourage you to do your best at school?

Q89. Do your parents / carers encourage you to think about your future (eg getting a job, going to college or university)?

Q90. Does your school encourage you to do as well as you can?

Q91. How well do you think your school has prepared you for the future?

Q92. Have you done any of the following through school?

Q93. What, if anything, could your school do better or differently to improve your health and happiness?

Q94. Are you...?

Q95. Which of these best describes you? P

Q96. To which of these groups do you consider you belong?

Q97a. Would you describe yourself as an Asylum Seeker?

Q97b. If you have you come to Scotland from one of the following countries in the last three years, please tick which country?

Q98. What is your full postcode?

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM131954334

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4/23/2018 6:53:25 AM

Length of assignment: 2000 words +/- 10%. Submission date Friday 27th. In this assignment you have three tasks to address. Each task should be written up as a separate section of your assignment report. Task 1 Profile the survey respondents - Provide an introduction and brief context. Investigate the listed variables to ‘describe' the pupils who took part in the survey. This description should draw on basic frequencies, measures of dispersion and measures of central tendency.


4/23/2018 6:53:16 AM

Notes and suggestions for Task 1 Here you are expected to describe the characteristics (profile) of the responding pupils. What can you tell the reader about the pupils who took part in the survey? This description should draw on basic frequencies, measures of dispersion and measures of central tendency where appropriate; and might usefully be displayed by splitting the file by gender or school year. You should also report any caveats (cautions) that you have identified with the data. Charts and diagrams may also be useful in presenting your data. You should also provide a brief introduction to the area of study (young people, wellbeing, health, behaviours, etc.) and cite appropriate references in the field.


4/23/2018 6:53:09 AM

Task 2 Investigate the health data Select one area from the list and conduct analysis on the data. This analysis should attempt to identify which, if any groups of pupils (e.g. males/females, those with high or low self-esteem etc.) are more or less likely to engage in certain activities/behaviours using appropriate methods. Should use the variables and profile generated in Task 1 to help in analysing the data in chosen section and generate questions to explore in the data. Should also report any caveats (cautions) that you have identified with the data. Some interpretation expected.


4/23/2018 6:53:02 AM

Notes and suggestions for Task 2 You should use the variables and profile generated in Task 1 to help in analysing the data in your chosen section. It can be useful to think about what you would expect to see in the data before you run the analysis. For example, you might speculate that males would be more likely to drink alcohol than females or that older pupils would be more likely than younger pupils to use cannabis. Thinking like this can help you generate questions to explore in the data and remember; are you looking for an association or relationship, or are you looking for differences?


4/23/2018 6:52:55 AM

We would expect to see at least one example of each of the following tests: correlation, cross-tabulation and chi-square, t-test and ANOVA. Please refer to the workshop annotated notes and handbooks for descriptions on how to carry out, interpret and present such procedures. It is important to think about the questions you wish to test - do they make sense - is it the correct test for the type of data? Charts and diagrams may also be useful in presenting your data. However, raw SPSS output should be kept to a minimum.


4/23/2018 6:52:47 AM

Task 3 Comparing your findings with other relevant studies Analyse and interpret findings from Task 1 and Task 2 in relation to other relevant research and comment on any similarities and differences Expected to present a small number of relevant studies/articles and ask the question, To what extent are findings in line with those from other studies?


4/23/2018 6:52:40 AM

Notes and suggestions for Task 3 You are not expected to conduct a full literature review. However, you are expected to find a small number (3 or 4) of relevant studies/articles and ask yourself the question: to what extent are my findings in line with those from other studies in this area? If your findings are not in line with those from other studies you should suggest why you think they are different. You should limit your search to the last ten years and, if possible, prioritise other national (UK) studies before international studies. Studies which involve meta-analysis (collecting and analysing the findings from many studies) can be particularly helpful in allowing you to quickly see where previous research has been conducted, where findings are in broad agreement, and where research findings have been contradictory. As usual, students are reminded to pay attention to presentation, language, structure and correct citation and use of references.

Write a Review

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