Analyse their impact on supply and demand curves

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM133582927

Topic: Supply and Demand Variations: Cell Phones, Supplies/Supplies, Grain and Gasoline, Tobacco, Electronic Vehicles, Real Estate.

Choose one of the following shocks in the market and analyse their impact on supply and demand curves and the consequent impact on prices and equilibrium quantities in the short and long term on the relevant market.

Mobile-related technological changes
The impact of the pandemic on the supply/supply chain
The impact of the war on Ukraine on the grain and oil markets
Increased tobacco
taxes Vehicle-related technological changes
Increase in interest rates on mortgage loans in the real estate market.

It is expected to explain which curve was affected by the collision it chose. In the short term, did the curve shift or was there just a slip on that curve? If the curve moved, did it move to the right or left? When moving, was there a shortage or excess in the quantities demanded/offered? As a result, what happened to the equilibrium price? With the amount of balance? Finally, you will have to choose and copy the scenario of the supply and demand model that best illustrates your answers. It will also have to explain its long-term projections. What do you expect to happen in the long term with equilibrium prices and quantities? Explain why. In this section, you should also choose and copy the scenario of the supply and demand model that best illustrates your responses.

Attention: In your 3ssay, please remember to answer all questions based on information from reliable sources, and present or refer to the scenario (graph) of the supply and demand model that best illustrates each of your arguments. For example, if you claim that "technological advancement resulted in lower costs and thus increased the supply of mobile phones", you must present or point out (a) which of the scenarios (graphs) of the supply and demand model best illustrates an increase in supply and (b) it shall also add what impact an increase in supply has on prices and quantities consumed. See the paper on supply and demand charts 4 possible scenarios:: alternative formats as reference.

Reference no: EM133582927

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