Analyse the survey results and prepare an email

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Reference no: EM132996339

BSBHRM602 Manage human resources strategic planning

Assessment 4 - Project 3 - Implement human resources strategic plan

Part A: Role Play - Work with others to implement the plan Scenario
This is a continuation of the scenario in Assessment Task 3.

The CEO has approved the strategic HR plan, and has given you approval to go ahead with its implementation.

As a first step, you are to present the approved plan to the management team. You are also to explain the roles and responsibilities of those involved in implementing the strategic HR plan about the expected outcomes of the implementation plan, the activities to be undertaken and the time frame for implementation.


1. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of the key points of the strategic HR plan and the implementation plan, to present to the management team at AWS.

You may prepare and use no more than 10 PowerPoint presentation slides during the presentation.

2. Make your presentation to the staff members. The presentation must be no longer than 15 minutes.

During the presentation, you must:
• use the PowerPoint slides you have prepared to explain the key features of the strategic HR plan, such as the background, the benefits to the company, etc.
• explain the implementation plan to those involved in implementing the plan, and the expected outcomes, monitoring methods, etc.
• allocate responsibilities to staff for activities to be undertaken
• encourage the participation and support of the staff
• speak clearly and concisely
• respond to questions asked by the staff members
• play a lead role in consulting and negotiating the buy-in of the staff
• use appropriate non-verbal communication
• participate in discussions using listening and questioning skills to ask the staff members for their opinions or clarify or confirm your understanding.

This is a role play. You must play the role of the HR Manager. Your assessor will organise volunteers to play the roles of the management team members, who will be your audience.

Prior to the assessment, read the Role Play Observation Checklist to identify the standard of performance expected of you in this task.

Part B: Monitor, review and adapt the plan Scenario
You must assume that it is now three months since you implemented the strategic HR plan at AWS, and time for the quarterly review.

Assume that the three goals you had selected were:
• facilitate a flexible workforce to promote talent retention
• support the development of AWS as a learning organisation that is responsive to individual and organisational needs, achieve organisational goals and promote job satisfaction and retention
• monitor organisational and individual performance

One of the monitoring methods you had selected was an employee satisfaction survey, which you have conducted with 30 employees of AWS, comprising trainers and some administration staff.


1. You are required to analyse the survey results and prepare an email, reporting the performance to the CEO of the company. You should also research and finalise six (6) training or support activities which will support the staff in working effectively from home, managing time and tasks efficiently, improving productivity and maintaining a work-life balance.

You must include the following in the email:

a. the details of the survey
b. at least two possible reasons for results
c. the conclusions and insights that can be gathered from the staff results
d. your recommendations for six training and support sessions and staff social activities, to help them achieve the desired HR performance outcomes

Your email should be no longer than 400 words and should be written using correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Submit your email to the CEO (your assessor) at an email address specified by your assessor.

2. The CEO has written to you thanking you for the report and accepted your recommendations. Now he/she has asked you to research and plan opportunities for the flexible team to integrate with other aspects of the organisation

You are to use the Flexible Work Team Integration Activity Plan Template in Appendix G to create your plan.

Part C: Evaluate and review performance of plan against objectives Scenario
It is now one year since you implemented the strategic HR plan at AWS.

The staff satisfaction survey was conducted once again with 30 employees of AWS, and the quantitative results are recorded below.

Qualitative evaluation was also conducted at various points to gather feedback on the organisational HR training and development program and has yielded the following results:
• During the last 12 months:
o 100% of employees had put a meaningful development plan in place
o Employees continued to engage in career conversations with their managers
o There has been a positive difference to attitudes towards flexible working arrangements.
o There has been a notable improvement in staff morale.
o Staff said they are experiencing greater opportunities for career progression within the organisation.
o Staff reported they worked better as a team following over the last 12 months.
o Staff reported they felt a greater sense of staff worth and belonging.


Study the given information given in the scenario about the performance of the strategic HR plan and evaluate it against the agreed outcomes.

Examine the findings and identify aspects of the program that could have been done better. Then, prepare the lessons learnt report for the management about the first mentoring program implemented by AWS.

In your report, you must provide:
• a brief description of the strategic HR plan and its expected outcomes
• an assessment of whether the outcomes of the plan were met, or not really met
• at least four aspects of the strategic HR plan that worked well
• at least four aspects of the strategic HR plan that could be improved in future strategic HR plans

Your report should be no longer than 400 words and should be written using correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Attachment:- Manage human resources strategic planning.rar

Reference no: EM132996339

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