Reference no: EM131064218 , Length: 10
The fundamental objective of this assignment is to demonstrate the student ability to
1. Identify, and analyse the properties of building material.
2. Discuss structural behaviour of the materials on An building components.
1. Discuss the characteristics, properties and use of materials.
2. Explain the effects of structural behaviour on construction components.
Select one from the following tasks
1. Collect TWO sand samples (preferably from different locations) and conduct
- Bulk density
- Silt content
- Sieve analysis
Discuss the different properties of your samples based on your result analysis.
2. Get at least two different types of cement and conduct the following tests to identify, properties of your sample. The Consistency test; Fineness of cement, initial and the finial setting time tests
3. Collect two samples of coarse aggregate and discuss their properties based on the (elongation and flakiness index). How these properties shows effect on the workability of concrete of 1: 2: 4 and 0.7 W/C ratios using slump cone test.
4. Do slump and compaction factor tests using any type of aggregate with different W/C to 0.7, and 0.8, and discuss your results, and how the W/C ratio affect the concrete properties
5. A report on Specification of building materials.
6. A study on effect of admixtures on concrete.
7. A study on significance of sustainability in construction.
Note: These are some examples where students still can propose different topics for studies after module coder approval.
Please keep in mind following while writing your report:
- The report is often used to present, analyze and summarize your data
- Follow the following instructions on rooting your report,
Report Format
- The size limit, the number of pages should be from 4 to 10 pages, additional peg used as appendix.
- Generally use 1.5 x line spacing advised.
- Start with the title page including student name and ID number as requested.
- Include your own field sketches or photographs. It is generally bens to place figure the text rather than group them at the end of the report.
- Give a sequential number to all figures (Fig. I, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, etc.)
- Add a brief, informative caption to the figures.
- Give a sequential number to all tables (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, etc.), with informal
Report Sections
The report should contain the following sections:
- Abstract
- Introduction
- The materials used
- Structural behavior
- Conclusions
- References
Abstract (maximum 1/2 page)
The abstract must be brief, but it has to tell the reader
- What is the goal of the work (e.g. The objective of this study is to study the influence ratio on concrete workability) etc.
- Which type of work has been carried out (e.g. lab experiments / research)?
- What are the results/conclusions obtained (e.g. increasing the w/c ratio increased the workability), preferably not more than 2 sentences.
2. Introduction (maximum 2 page)
- Discuss in general the material classification, and the criteria of selecting the material
- The material properties (mechanical, physical, production and construction, and the etc.)
- The objective of the study.
- Give the general plan of the report.
3. The material (material(s) you considered for this study) (maximum 5 page)
- Discuss the properties of the selected material (e.g. for aggregate: the practical shape texture, toughness, abrasion....etc. for cement: production, hydration, fineness,.. etc.)
- The tests to check the properties.
- The results/conclusions you get and analysis for those results (if required).
4. The structural behaviour (maximum 2 page)
- Explain how the material will at affect in terms of behaviour on structural components.
5. Conclusions (maximum 1/2 page)
State briefly what are the major achievements of your work?
6. References
List alphabetically your references which should include: Journal papers, proceeding book chapters, internet sources etc.
7. Appendix
Any additional figures, tables, and photos.