Reference no: EM133773889
International Strategy - Strategic Pitch
Your task
Individually, you are required to record a 10-minute webinar in which you are required to present to investors based on the work of your first and second assessments, focusing on the CSR, risk mitigation and performance measures for international expansion to the country of your choice.
Assessment Description
In the final assessment, students will be assessed on their ability to analyse the process of entering and operating in international markets and the ethical implications that arise by creating and evaluating innovative international business and corporate strategies.
Assessment Instructions
Let's presume that your ASX-listed company is now entering the new international market as the direct result of the work in your first and second assessments. Despite extensive planning, investors are concerned about the company's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach in this unfamiliar territory. They question how CSR and performance will be measured and maintained, especially given the different cultural and regulatory landscape. Additionally, investors have raised concerns about potential risks tied to the company's focus on innovation and research as core strategic priorities in this expansion. These concerns highlight the need for the company to communicate its CSR strategy and risk mitigation plans to reassure investors and ensure successful and responsible international growth.
To address these concerns, your webinar needs to present the following sections using accompanying slides:
Strategic plan to address the areas of concern specific to the chosen country:
Cultural intelligence and cultural competence. Include how this relates to Australians working in said country, e.g. Hofstede's cultural dimensions.
Climate change, the company's CSR and any impacts the company's operations may make.
Risk mitigation, including natural hazard disasters.
How innovation and research priorities will be maintained in the expansion
Ethical implications
N.B.: Incorporate content learned from weeks 9 to 12 into your analysis.
How will performance and success in these areas be measured, e.g., environmental and social governance (ESG)?
Recommendation timeline for correcting the strategic priorities: Addressing the area of business ethics, you must also consider if you can meet the criteria you suggest or if you may need time and further resources.
Reference list
You must use at least ten (10) sources of information. These may include websites, social media sites, industry reports, census data, journal articles, and newspaper articles. These references should be presented as in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your slides. Wikipedia and other ‘popular' sites are not to be used.