Analyse the nature of nonverbal communication

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132330194


The aim of this module is to introduce students to the nature and operation of the business environment. It will illustrate, through example, the interrelated nature of business activity, and the pressures and tensions that shape the process of business decision making. Through analysing data and other business information, the module aims to show students how the business environment might be effectively evaluated and understood.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, the student should be able to:

• Identify a range of issues and debates through which to illustrate the impact of the business environment on business activity.
• Evaluate the conceptual categorisation of the business environment, and use models based on this categorisation in analysis.
• Describe how different business functions respond to changes in the business environment.
• Use, interpreter and understand a range of statistical and non-statistical tools and techniques to analyse business data and information.
• Reflect upon learning and make connections between issues, business activity and appropriate data.

Part A: Student led content

Drawing on pre-induction/induction tasks, this module will explore themes, issues and debates identified by students. These themes, issues and debates will focus on current and contemporary issues.

Part B: The Business Context

The Business Context will involve looking in-depth at a range of contemporary issues and debates which illustrate, build upon and extend those identified in Part A. Students will be shown through such context:

• Systems and complexity
• The conceptual dimensions of the business environment
• The functional nature of business activity
• The tools and techniques necessary for the effective analysis of business information and data.

Such issues in this section might include the following examples:

• Global warming and business sustainability
• Happiness and its management
• The global food industry: what are you eating?
• Technology and its impacts

An analysis of these issues will consider in combination a number of the following dimensions
• markets - the development and operation of markets for resources, goods and services
• customers - customer expectations, service and orientation
• finance - the sources, uses and management of finance; the use of accounting and other information systems for managerial applications
• people - the management and development of people within organisations
• operations - the management of resources and operations
• information systems - the development, management and exploitation of information systems and their impact upon organisations
• communication and information technology - the comprehension and use of relevant communication and information technologies for application in business and management
• business policy and strategy - the development of appropriate policies and strategies within a changing environment, to meet stakeholder interests
• pervasive issues - sustainability, globalisation, corporate social responsibility, diversity, business innovation, creativity, enterprise development, knowledge management and risk management.

Assessment Task

The four patches you must comnlete throughout the semester are :

1. Introduction: Explain the meaning and Definitions of culture.

2. Cultural universals: Briefly examine the needs that all cultures must satisfy and the universal cultural patterns that emerge to satisfy these needs such as economic system, marriage and family systems, educational system, social control system and supernatural belief system.

3. Communicating across Cultures - Verbal communication: Explain the need for linguistic proficiency in a global business.

4. Communicating across Cultures - Nonverbal communication: Analyse the nature of nonverbal communication in terms of Facial expressions (smiles, frowns), Hand gestures, Walking (gait) and Posture.

5. Reflective Summary: The final part of your analysis should include your learning outcome from the study undertaken and recommendations. Every recommendation you make should be based on and supported by the context of your analysis.

References: Harvard referencing must be used.

Verified Expert

The report studies culture as an important aspect of an individual’s life that potentially influences values and belief systems and in turn impacts socio-economic outcomes of a nation or a society. Culture that is intrinsic to a society has the potential to effect business communications and marketing strategies with improved linguistic proficiency and non verbal communications among employees.

Reference no: EM132330194

Questions Cloud

Discussion about the white-collar crime : This scholarly activity will include further research on white-collar crime. Visit the site below, and explore the different components of white-collar crime.
Write a loop over the strings and print each string in list : Write a loop over the strings in the provided test_dups list. Print each string in the list and whether or not it has any duplicates based on the return value.
What is the profile of the hacker : Log into the myCSU Student Portal, and navigate to the Criminal Justice database within the CSU Online Library in order to access the resource below.
Why is the public cynical about the media : Why is the public cynical about the media? Explain with concrete examples why this is a major problem in a democracy. With specific examples from the.
Analyse the nature of nonverbal communication : Briefly examine the needs that all cultures must satisfy and the universal cultural patterns that emerge to satisfy these needs such as economic system.
Examine the tension between various agents : Based on the American "constitution," which internal and external stakeholders, in the policy making process, possess "constitutional legitimacy".
Briefly explain treatment outcome models : Briefly explain each of the three treatment outcome models: recidivism, relapse, and harm-reduction. Contrast the three treatment outcome models in terms.
Describe how tuples can be useful with loops over lists : Describe how tuples can be useful with loops over lists and dictionaries, and give Python code examples. Create your own code examples.
Explain how the study might have been affected : Post a brief summary of the research article you selected, including an identification of the treatment outcome model used in the study. Then explain how the.


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