Analyse the marketplace

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM132616753


You have been asked by (COCA-COLA AL AHLIA BEVERAGES COMPANY L.L.C) which is a successful FMCG manufacturer (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) in Oman and the Middle East, to create a PowerPoint Presentation of (20 slides). This presentation will analyse the marketplace (competitors) for their products and how consumers behave in relation to the purchase and consumption of these products.

• Your slides must be eye catching and neat.
• The presentation should be well-structured and flawless.

1. General background information about (OMAN):
a. Population
b. Geography
c. Strategic trade hub
d. GDP
e. Unemployment
2. A brief about Oman and the Middle East beverage marketplace, including:
a. Carbonates Marketplace in Oman.
b. Demand for such products.
3. Detailed information on:
a. Coca Cola Brand Background.
b. KO & COKE?
c. AHLIA background (as joint-venture bottling company).
d. Competitors.
f. How they market their product and compete in this marketplace.
g. (Consumer behaviour), How and why consumers purchase this product?
h. Brand Equity.
4. Critical analysis and main issues of the national culture that may influence product lines and individual product offerings.
5. Recommendations for successful new products and pricing strategies.
6. Use attached book as one of your references (For God, Country, and Coca-Cola).
7. Correct use of the Harvard referencing system and at least 10 sound academic references.

Reference no: EM132616753

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