Reference no: EM132197501
Assignment I -
1. Reflect upon the qualities of a good teacher that you possess choosing from the list (35) given in (Activity B). Choose any 10 important qualifies that you possess. List them out as personal attributes and professional expertise and discuss how important these are when compared to other colleagues or teachers of yours. (300 to 350 words)
2. In a traditional ESL classroom, the learners are not completely aware of their needs, what and how to learn English. What do you think are the decisions that a teacher has to take in order to make the course meaningful to his/her students? (300 to 350 words)
3. What quantitative method would you like to use to rate your class as an English teacher? What quality of information can that give you to improve upon your performance? (250 to 300 words).
4. In what ways does classroom observation help?
a. A practicing teacher
b. An ELT researcher
c. Teacher educator (600 to 700 words).
Assignment II -
1. Study the lesson plan given in Appendix A. Analyse the lesson plan and its stages using the framework given below:
a. Usefulness of the lesson plan to the teacher
b. Teacher and learners roles
c. Classroom interaction
d. Skills attained by the end of the lesson
e. Feedback/assessment procedure (550 to 600 words)
2. Rewrite the lesson plan that would suit the objectives stated so that it becomes more practical and implementable.
Attachment:- Assignment File.rar