Analyse the international business environment

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Reference no: EM132838442

International Business Environment Assignment

You are approaching the end of your programme of study and wish to apply for an internship with a large organisation that works globally. You believe that this opportunity will give you greater insight into the actual operation of global business organisations, strengthen your CV and prepare you for the next stage in your career.

You decide to undertake some preparatory work and produce a reference file, in preparation for the applications.

Task 1
Produce detailed notes for the file which:
• evaluate the business techniques used to analyse the international business environment,
• assess the impact of globalisation and international trade on national economies.
• an evaluation of the risks involved in operating in an international environment.

Task 2
The Professional Manager magazine has an advertisement for management internships in a multinational automotive company, which produces iconic vehicles and has an international reputation. You are keen to apply.

The letter which arrived from the company following your initial expression of interest in the internship was encouraging. It explained how the work of the organisation stems from a set of core values, which involve all staff working together with integrity and understanding, and striving to achieve excellence in everything that is done.
The letter also asked you to send your CV and submit a paper to the HR department which will be used in the shortlisting process. The paper must:
• analyse the micro and macro environment of a named international business organisation of your choice (choose any organization you would like to)
• assess the benefits, opportunities and challenges of globalisation and international trade for a named organisation of your choice.

Task 3
Congratulations you have been successful in getting to the next stage of the selection process. The letter informs you that several candidates have been selected for interview and the theme of this stage in the process is ‘International markets in which business operate'. You are required to:
• prepare a presentation which is titled ‘An assessment of the importance of corporate social responsibility and sustainability in supporting business success'.
• evaluate the potential conflicts between corporate strategy and ethical social and sustainable responsibilities.

Attachment:- International Business Environment.rar

Reference no: EM132838442

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3/24/2021 1:39:40 AM

There are 3 tasks out of which 1 is a presentation. Presentation is also required. Thanks

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