Analyse the Internal and External Environment

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133172570

BSBSTR602 Develop organisational strategies


Complete the table with the vision, mission, strategic direction and organisational values identified from organisational documents below. You will use this information to make at least two changes to vision and mission, and at least two changes to organisational values in the same task.

Vision, Mission, Strategic Direction and Organisational Values

Sources of information and documents accessed to identify and revise vision, mission and values

Stakeholder support for strategic planning process

Submit the evidence of stakeholder consultation to your assessor.
Evidence of stakeholder consultation must be at least one of the following:
Email correspondence

Internal and external environment analysis

1. Sources of Information and Documents Accessed to Analyse the Internal and External Environment, and Information Taken From the Sources of Information or Documents

a. Research on External Environment
b. Research on Capability Assessment of Competitor Organisations
c. Research on Internal Analysis of Your Organisation

2. Market Analysis
a. Customer needs
b. Growth driver
c. Challenge

3. PEST Analysis
For each category, identify at least two factors that can impact performance of the organisation

4. Capability Assessment of Competitor Organisations

Business Name

Target market
List at least one factor that characterises the target market, with corresponding value
E.g. Gender - women; Age -18-35 years; Education - College educated

Product or Service
Identify name of at least one product or service
Outline pricing strategy
E.g. Competition-based pricing, Cost-plus pricing, Penetration pricing, Freemium pricing etc.

Identify at least one marketing/distribution channel(s) used to sell products or services

Identify at least one method used to advertise and promote products or services

Identify customer perception of staff who interact with the customers, such as sales staff and customer service staff

International presence
Identify countries in which the organisation is present, apart from the domestic market

Supply chain capabilities

Data from annual report
Outline one or more of the following from the annual report:
Number of customers/users
Net profit
E.g. 1 million customers, A$ 100,000 in revenues, A$ 20,000 in net profit

Identify at least two strengths, based on the above steps

Identify at least two weaknesses, based on the above steps

5. Internal Analysis of Your Organisations

Fill in the following for your organisation

Target market
List at least one factor that characterises the target market, with corresponding value
E.g. Gender - women; Age -18-35 years; Education - College educated

Product or Service
Identify name of at least one product or service

Outline pricing strategy
E.g. Competition-based pricing, Cost-plus pricing, Penetration pricing, Freemium pricing etc.

Identify at least one marketing/distribution channel(s) used to sell products or services

Identify at least one method used to advertise and promote products or services

Identify customer perception of staff who interact with the customers, such as sales staff and customer service staff

International presence
Identify countries in which the organisation is present, apart from the domestic market

Supply chain capabilities Relationship with suppliers
Assess relationship with suppliers
Relationship with distributors
Assess relationship with distributors
Data from annual report
Outline one or more of the following from the annual report:
Number of customers/users
Net profit
E.g. 1 million customers, A$ 100,000 in revenues, A$ 20,000 in net profit

6. SWOT Analysis
For each component, identify at least two factors

Strengths refer to characteristics of the resources and capabilities of an organisation that give it a competitive advantage

Opportunities are factors in the external environment that are favourable to the growth and sustainability of a business


Stakeholder feedback on environment analysis


Establish cooperative ventures

You must also submit the following:
Evidence of providing information for due diligence
Evidence of establishing cooperative ventures

Option 1

Business name of the potential partner for the cooperative venture

Purpose of the cooperative venture option

How the purpose of the option is aligned with the SWOT analysis for the organisation

Option 2

Business name of the potential partner for the cooperative venture

Purpose of the cooperative venture option

How the purpose of the option is aligned with the SWOT analysis for the organisation

Alignment of Cooperative Venture Options with Vision, Mission and Values

Option 1

Analysis of how the option is aligned with the vision the organisation

Analysis of how the option is aligned with the mission of the organisation

Analysis of how the option is aligned with the values of the organisation

Option 2

Analysis of how the option is aligned with the vision the organisation

Analysis of how the option is aligned with the mission of the organisation

Analysis of how the option is aligned with the values of the organisation

Option 1 - Cost Benefit Analysis
Brief description of cooperative venture option

Option 2 - Cost Benefit Analysis

List the sources of information and documents accessed to establish cooperative ventures (e.g. organisational policies and procedures relevant to establishing cooperative ventures, sources of information on assumptions for cost benefit analysis of cooperative venture options)


Strategic plan and risk management plan

1. Business Profile
Name of the business
Date of establishment
Business Address
Type of business operations
Industry to which the organisation belongs
Number of employees
2. Key Leaders in the Organisation

3. Product/Service

4. Vision, Mission and Organisational Values

5. Legislations, Regulations and Codes of Practice, Applicable to the Organisation

6. Objectives

7. Strategies

8. Details of the Strategies

9. Implementation Plan

Attachment:- Assessment Template.rar

Reference no: EM133172570

Questions Cloud

What will be the irr for the project : There is a possibility that Edward can invest in another set of equipment which costs $70,000. What will be the IRR for the project
How much is the budgeted balance for accounts payable : Sunland purchases and pays for merchandise 60% in the month of acquisition and 40% in the following month. How much is the budgeted balance for Accounts Payable
How much is the initial cost of the building : The construction was completed on December 31, 2023 and ready for its intended use. How much is the initial cost of the building when completed on December
Vital role in organization pay strategy : The pay model policies play a vital role in an organization's pay strategy. What are your thoughts on your current or past compensation pay grades
Analyse the Internal and External Environment : Analyse the Internal and External Environment, and Information Taken From the Sources of Information or Documents
Information system management : Explain your reasoning and include a discussion about why good information is important in MIS.
Human resource and business strategy : Evaluate its human resource (HR) and business strategy, HR department job positions, and ways it markets its company regarding human capital.
What is the degree of operating leverage : Variable costs are 45% of the sales price. If total fixed costs are $66,000, what is the degree of operating leverage rounded to 2 decimal places
What were sanders cash flows from operating activities : Records reveal increases in accounts receivable, accounts payable, and inventory of $2.0 million, $3.0 million, What were Sanders cash flows


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