Analyse the information provided and carry out computations

Assignment Help Financial Accounting
Reference no: EM133749199

Financial Reporting

Task: Leases and the other relates to content from workshop 5 - Income taxes.

Assessment Description
This group case study is designed to test your ability to apply the knowledge gained from ACCM4300 workshops 4 & 5 to a practical scenario. It will also help you develop writing strategies to present accounting information while working in teams effectively.

You will be required to analyse the information provided and carry out computations in accordance with the requirements of AASB16 and AASB112. Based on your analyses, you will be required to prepare journal entries.

Assessment Instructions

This assessment is conducted in class during week 6 and examines content from workshop weeks 4 & 5.

Prepare thoroughly by studying the workshop notes and additional reading from MyKBS. You can also prepare by practicing the during workshop and after workshop questions and checking your answers for accuracy.

The group case study should be completed in groups, with a maximum of three students per group. Email your lecturer with preferences, if any, for whom you would like to work with in a group by week 5. Your lecturer will consider your preferences and allocate you to a group in the week 6 workshop.

Each case study should be attempted as a group with a time allocation of 60 minutes per case. Students will be required to submit the first case before commencing work on the second case.

Students enrolled in online classes will be assigned to breakout rooms to complete the group case studies. Students must participate and use their video camera in the breakout rooms. The group must share the screen as they work through the question together as a group.
Students enrolled in face to face classes are not permitted to access their mobile phones during the workshop.

Reference no: EM133749199

Questions Cloud

Transferred to residential aged care : Catherine used to live an active life before she was transferred to a residential aged care three years ago.
Describe the role of the un in protecting individuals : Why do you think it is necessary that the UN holds individuals and groups in violation of basic human rights?
Read the various perspectives on the death penalty : Read the various perspectives on the death penalty. Evaluate each argument for validity and soundness.
Create an amortization schedule for the first two years : Create an amortization schedule for the first two years, showing the interest expense, amortization of premium or discount, and carrying value of the bond.
Analyse the information provided and carry out computations : Develop writing strategies to present accounting information while working in teams effectively - Prepare thoroughly by studying the workshop notes
Who makes up the presidents cabinet : Who makes up the President's Cabinet? Go to the internet and search for the actual names of the 15 department heads and their title.
Identify a specific-real state agency : Identify a specific/real state agency. Identify the real stakeholders. How can you ease the problems of perception and Constitutional authorities?
Adult male patient who has been admitted for opiate detox : The psychiatric LVN/LPN has just received an adult male patient who has been admitted for opiate detox.
How did reading this article change your perspective : What did you learn from the article? If you were the owner of your own company, how did reading this article change your perspective, if at all?


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