Analyse the impact of social media on the public sphere

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Reference no: EM133531047 , Length: word count:1500


Learning Outcome 1: Critically engage with key concepts of communication theory and apply the to the relevant discipline

Learning Outcome 2: Write and present communication concepts and theories clearly and effectively in a variety of contexts and for different audiences

Learning Outcome 3: Apply critical, analytical and problem solving skills to resolve challenges across a range of communication processes and in multiple contexts

Write an academic essay answering one of the following questions:

1. Analyse the impact of social media on the public sphere and assess its effects on our collective capacity for rational debate and discussion.

2. How has audience tracking changed communications professionals' conception of media audiences. Answer with reference to at least two examples of tracking and the ethical issues these raise.

3. Explain the impact(s) of mass media communication on the formation of political and cultural identities and communities.

4. "Artificial intelligence will wipe out most communications jobs." Discuss with reference to at least two examples. In answering these questions, you can draw on any relevant academic theories/concepts that we have explored in the preceding weeks. Some will be more relevant than others, and part of the challenge of the essay is for you to select the ones that are most relevant. One tip is to make it clear in your essay how you will be answering the question (entering into the conversation) and what you will draw on. This will help you to focus your answer, and also to make the task manageable.

Try to highlight the connections between theories and concepts in your essay, while maintaining focus on answering the question. Remember to define or explain all academic terminology mentioned in your essay - (eg "public sphere" or "imagined community") -and use academic references as supporting evidence.

- When using examples, make sure you select examples that are appropriate for your chosen theory/concept. Examples can be from your own research or other sources (remember to cite them), and can include participatory media, texts or platforms. You can use examples of the same type (e.g. two examples of advertising, for example) or completely different types (eg news media and advertising). If applicable, you can include screenshots of your examples in an appendix at the end of your assessment (place this after the reference list).
- A reference list of all sources cited must be provided in Harvard style at the end of the essay.

Further Instructions:

There are three key components required when answering an academic question:
1. define (all academic terminology you use);
2. explain (how the theory/concept relates to your examples); and
3. answer (your essay must create an argument that responds to the question posed).
You must construct a critical academic argument that connects what we have covered in the unit (theories and concepts) with your own observations (examples) about participatory media culture. This means that you will need to prove or argue your point(s) through the logical use of evidence (academic sources and examples) to rationally analyse the topic question.
You are to use academic conventions in terms of writing style, referencing, and the overall structure of a research essay. The essay will need an introduction, body and conclusion (you do not need to include subtitles for these), and each paragraph should have a topic sentence to help guide the reader. The writing should be clear, concise and persuasive.

Referencing: A minimum of eight (8) academic sources in Deakin Harvard style.
- The reference list is not included in the word count.
- In-text citations and quotations are included in the word count.
- The reference list must be alphabetised, placed at the end of the essay, and should only include sources that are directly referred to through in-text citations.

Overview: This assessment is designed to build upon the academic skills learnt through the first assessment (finding sources, referencing and critical analysis). It is intended to further your capacity as University students by developing your critical thinking and writing skills, and engagement with academic theories / concepts.

Reference no: EM133531047

Questions Cloud

Analyse the impact of social media on the public sphere : Analyse the impact of social media on the public sphere and assess its effects on our collective capacity for rational debate and discussion
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Based on your previous learning and work experiences : Based on your previous learning and/or work experiences, who would make an ideal clinical supervisor for you
Analyse the impact of social media on the public sphere : Critically engage with key concepts of communication theory and apply the to the relevant discipline - Write and present communication concepts and theories
Describe a business process for recruiting students : Describe the primary value chain activities as they apply to this business. - Describe a business process for recruiting students.
Identify something that you found interesting or memorable : Identify something that you found interesting or memorable to research further on the era of The Ancient World (100,000 BCE to 3000 BCE) of Medical Tool
Evolution of direct involvement of family : What has been the evolution of direct involvement of family and friends in funeral arrangements?
What are some barriers that could negatively affect : what are some barriers that could negatively affect the implementation and success of ACOs? Examples include limited primary care providers, inability


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