Analyse the impact of possible risks for the case study

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Reference no: EM132359274

Project Execution and Control Assignment - Risk Management

Learning Outcomes - Critically analyse project risks and develop a range of strategies to effectively manage those risks in order to ensure expected project management outcomes.

Context: As project work is executed, project managers make certain that quality assurance is conducted and quality is controlled. Quality assurance consists of the activities that areundertaken to ensure that a project uses the processes needed to meet quality requirements. Meanwhile, quality control entails monitoring specific project results to determine whether they meet relevant quality standards, which have been defined with the project scope.

Planning for risk management involves determining how to approach, plan and execute the various activities required for managing project risks. Because new risks may be introduced at any point in the project management life cycle, risk management is a continuous process. It begins at the project-planning phase and continues throughout the project-execution phase.

Effective communication is a key factor for managing project execution. However, project managers may face challenges as they communicate with their teams and other project stakeholders. Other factors such as developing, leading and managing project team members are also critical for successfully achieving project goals.

Instructions: This assessment has two parts: a post (Part A) and a Risk Management report (Part B).

Part A: Discussion

Each student will construct a post in approximately 850 words to the following questions and post on the Module discussion forums by the end of Module 5. Students will be graded individually on how students demonstrate/share theories and contribute to the general discussion of the topic within the group over weeks 7, 8 & 9.

5 Topic: Project Status Reporting

Discuss the challenges and pitfalls of different status reports. Explain the difference between the status reports provided for teams, sponsor, and steering committee.

Part B: Risk Management

Create a risk management report for the approved/given case study used in Assessment 1. In your report, include:

1. Risk identification and impact assessment

  • Identify and critically analyse the impact of possible risks for the case study.
  • Record the risks identified in a Risk Register.
  • Use a risk probability and impact matrix to rate and prioritise the risks.

2. Risk management and reporting

  • Develop appropriate response strategies to effectively manage identified risks in the case study.
  • Identify and describe how the stakeholders will be apprised of the project's ongoing risk management activities.

The written portion of your Risk Management Plan should consist of 1000 words.

Risk Management Report Outlines -

Title page

Executive Summary

Table of Contents


1. Risk identification and impact assessment

a. Risks and impacts

b. Risk register ( can put actual register in Appendix)

c. Risk probability/impact matrix (can put actual matrix in Appendix)

2. Risk management and reporting

a. Managing risks

b. Stakeholder identification

c. Risks communication to stakeholders




This is the basic structure for the report on risk management in the Robert L. Frank Construction Company run Lewis Project. It is not about risk management elsewhere. Hence expecting reports that are concise, precise and to the point about the Lewis project.

Note - Need only part B risk management report.

Verified Expert

This study deals with a risk management report conducted in order to evaluate various issues faced by the Robert L. Frank Construction Company. Various risk identification processes have been presented in details and the most effective process has been selected. A risk register was developed in order to present various risks faced by the brand. Additionally, various stakeholders involved were identified and these risks were presented to the stakeholders with the use of a risk communication plan.

Reference no: EM132359274

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8/22/2019 2:13:52 AM

I need only (part B). And please according to rubric please do the assignment. The written portion of your Risk Management Plan should consist of 1000 words. According to the rubric that I will use to assess, I will be looking for: Critical analysis of project risks and development of a range of strategies to manage those risks (45%). Reporting and stakeholder communication. (45%).


8/22/2019 2:13:45 AM

Learning Rubric – Assessment 2 Part B: Risk Management - Critically analyses and evaluates project risks and formulate a range of strategies to effectively manage those risks. Mastery of risks and risk management strategies and application to further learning. Performs high level of communication and stakeholder analysis. Clearly demonstrates effective strategies to communicate results of the project risk analysis with a range of key stakeholders.


8/22/2019 2:13:37 AM

Expertly presented; the presentation is logical, persuasive, and well supported by evidence, demonstrating a clear flow of ideas and arguments. Demonstrates high levels of cultural sensitivity. Expertly written and adheres to the academic genre. Demonstrates expert use of high-quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop arguments and position statements. Shows extensive evidence of reading beyond the key reading. There are no mistakes in using the APA Style.

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