Reference no: EM132765752
SITHKOP002 Plan and Cost Basic Menus Assignment - Australian College of Trade, ACOT, Australia
Purpose of these assessments - The purpose of these assessments is for you to demonstrate your skills and knowledge required to: plan and cost basic menus for dishes or food product ranges for any type of cuisine or food service style. It requires the ability to identify customer preferences, plan menus to meet customer and business needs, cost menus and evaluate their success. Menus can be for ongoing food service, for an event or function, or for a food product range such as patisserie products.
Assessment 1 - Knowledge questions
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:
1. organisation-specific information:
sources of information on current customer profile and food preferences
service style and cuisine
costs of supply for ingredients
2. methods and formulas for calculating portion yields and costs from raw ingredients:
butcher's test
standard measures
standard yield tests
3. hospitality and catering industry desired profit margins, mark-up procedures and rates
4. different types and styles of menus for dishes or food production ranges for different types of food outlets
5. range of food preferences relating to:
contemporary eating habits
cultural and ethnic influences
popular menu items
quick service foods
seasonal dishes
variety of food products
6. differing characteristics of customer groups:
age range
buying power
income level
social and cultural background
7. influence of seasonal products and commodities on menu content
8. naming conventions and culinary terms for a variety of cuisines
9. formats for and inclusion of menus presented to customers
10. methods of assessing the popularity of menu items:
customer surveys
popularity index
sales data.
Please answer questions 1-17 in as much detail as possible, considering your organizational requirements for each one.
Q1. Name 6 factors you would consider when identifying a target customer profile for a food business?
Q2. What is the method and formula used to calculate portion yields?
Q3. Complete the following butchers test (see attached file)
Q4. a) What is the yield percentage for the following?
Item Tested Turned potatoes
Original weight 5.000kg
Usable trimmings 1.000kg
Waste trimmings 0.500kg
Total trimmings 0.500kg
Prepared weight 3.500kg
b) What is the yield percentage for the following?
Item Tested Broccoli
Original weight 2.000kg
Usable trimmings 0.000kg
Waste trimmings 0.700kg
Total trimmings 0.700kg
Prepared weight 1.300kg
Q5. What are the desired profit margins in the catering industry?
Q6. List 8 different types of menus that can be used for different food outlets.
Q7. List 5 different food preferences that customers may have.
Q8. List 5 differing characteristics of customer groups.
Q9. What are seasonal products?
Q10. List 5 different types of cuisine.
Q11. What 3 methods are used to assess the popularity of menu items.
Q12. Why is it important to use descriptive writing in menus?
Q13. Why is it important to offer a balanced variety of dishes in relation to the food business' production needs?
Q14. List 3 ways to include a balanced variety of dishes into the menu.
Q15. Name 4 reasons to adjust and improve menus on a regular basis?
Q16. List at least 3 ways to write an effective menu.
Q17. Explain why restaurants want to develop dishes and use ingredients that provide high yield. Please provide an example of a "high yield" ingredient.
Assessment 2: Performance Tasks
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required skills and performance elements and criteria for this unit.
A signed observation checklist by your assessor will need to be included in this activity as proof of completion.
This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following performance evidence:
Identify and evaluate the food preferences of customer groups with differing characteristics and use to inform menu planning
Develop and cost each of the following menu types based on above information:
à la carte
table d'hôte
Evaluate success of the above menus by obtaining at least two of the following types of feedback:
customer satisfaction discussions with: customers
employees during the course of each business day
customer surveys
improvements suggested by: customers, managers, peers, staff, supervisors and suppliers
regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions
seeking staff suggestions for menu items
Develop the above menus within commercial time constraints, demonstrating:
use of balanced variety of dishes and ingredients
methods for determining costs of supply for ingredients
methods and formulas for calculating portion yields and costs from raw ingredients
methods for responding to feedback and adjusting menus
methods for achieving desired profit margins, mark-up procedures and rates
use of different types and styles of menus for dishes or food production ranges.
Please answer the tasks below in as much detail as possible and attach all completed evidence to this workbook.
Tasks 1- Identify customer preferences
Identify current customer profile.
Analyse the food preferences of customer groups with differing characteristics and use to inform menu planning.
Task 2- Plan and write menus
Develop a menu for each menu type from the following list, itemise components of the dishes and use food preferences created in the skills activity to inform menu planning:
À la carte (Minimum of 3 Entrée, 3 Mains and 3 Desserts)
Buffet (Minimum of 1 soup, 1 salad, 2 Entrée, 2 Mains and 2 Desserts)
Cyclical (7 days Monday to Sunday with Breakfast, Lunch, and dinner)
Degustation (Minimum of 5 courses not including drinks)
Ethnic (Minimum of 3 Entrée, 3 Mains and 3 Desserts)
Set (can be alternate drop of each course)
Table d'hôte (Minimum of 3 Entrée, 3 Mains and 3 Desserts)
Seasonal (Minimum of 3 Entrée, 3 Mains and 3 Desserts)
Set yourself commercial time constraints and produce each menu during that time.
For each menu, use descriptive writing words that appeal to the identified customer base and appropriate to the business service style
Use a balanced variety of dishes and ingredients for the style of service and cuisine.
Generate a range of ideas, discuss with relevant personnel prior to implementation.
Task 3- Cost menus
Set prices for the menus, considering the desired profit margins and mark-up procedures to make sure the business can make a profit from the dishes.
Use the correct methods to work out the costs of supply for the ingredients and the portion yields.
Task 4- Evaluate menu success
Evaluate the success of each menu by obtaining feedback through customer satisfaction survey and Staff suggestions
Adjust menu based on feedback and profitability.
Attachment:- Plan and Cost Basic Menus Assignment Files.rar