Analyse the ethical dilemma

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13893945

Assignment 1

1. Identify a recent (within the last six (6) months) ethical dilemma or ethically questionable situation relating to ICT that you are familiar with. This situation can be either in the media (for example one you have sourced from a newspaper, or online through social media) or through your workplace.

a. If using a workplace example, to maintain confidentiality, do not use real names.

b. If you use a media article you must include the link to the media article in the references list of your assignment.

2. You are required to analyse the ethical dilemma you have identified above using the Doing Ethics Technique (DET). Your essay should include:

• What's going on?
• What are the facts?
• What are the ethical and non-ethical issues?
• Who is affected?
• What are the ethical issues and implications?
• What can be done about it?
• What are the options?
• Which option is best - and why?

3. Include a Reference list at the end of your work, in the correct APA referencing style, corresponding to in-text citations. You must include at least TWO (2) quality academic references from different sources. Please note that these references are in addition to those provided to you through this subject (for example, you still must reference, the DET, Tavani, the Interact subject lecture notes etc BUT these references cannot be used as one of your two quality academic references from different sources). Only include references that have been cited in the body of your assignment and ones that support what you have presented in your assignment.

NOTE: Format your assignment according to the instructions given in the Assessment Information and Presentation sections.

RationaleThe assessment item is designed to help you to build skills towards achieving the learning objectives, by requiring you to:

    . identify an ICT-related ethical issue in your workplace or in a contemporary media article;

    . using the Doing Ethics Technique (DET), analyse the situation and the arguments it presents, to:

                - identify the ethical issues involved

                - assess the implications of those issues; and

                - develop solutions to the issues

    . apply proper academic referencing.

Reference no: EM13893945

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