Reference no: EM131783083
Assignment - Project Status and Control
Task Description - Assignment Overview
This assignment is a group assignment and it includes two parts: Part A and Part B. Each part is explained in detail below:
PART A - Part A of the assessment item requires you to consider:-
Analyse a supplied earned value report. The earned value report has been provided to meet the requirements outlined in the PMBOK (2013) and conforms to the requirements of the progress evaluation techniques (p.108) outlined in Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 (2009).
Task - Your task is to consider the overview above and analyse the earned value and S-curve report. You will be graded upon how well your analysis of the earned value and S-curve reports have been completed and reflects information based on a case study.
Purpose - The primary purpose of this assessment item is to help you to develop skills in the contents and compilation of earned value and S-curve report.
The secondary purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to consider the role of progress evaluation techniques and control within a project life cycle.
The assignment will also give you the opportunity to enhance your analysis and written communication skills; particularly in the areas of rigorous structured assignment writing.
Structure - Your submission must be made using the supplied earned value report. You should complete all of the required parts of the earned value and S-curve reports in a manner as you deem appropriate. The instruction boxes in the report will provide more information.
PART B - Part B of this assessment item requires you to consider:-
- event-driven controls, and
- time-driven controls
Analyse the items listed above for the supplied case study. A template for the controls report has been provided to meet the requirements outlined in the PMBOK (2013) and conform to the progress and project control requirements outlined in Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 (2009).
Task - Your task is to consider the overview above and develop and complete the required items in the report. You will be graded upon how well your submissions have been completed and reflect the case study.
Purpose - The primary purpose of this assessment item is to help you to develop skills in the definition and development of event and time driven management processes.
The secondary purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to consider progress and project control requirements within a project life cycle.
The assignment will also give you the opportunity to enhance your analysis and written communication skills; particularly in the areas of structured assignment writing.
Structure - Your submission should be made using the supplied case study and controls report template. You should complete all of the required parts in as complete manner as you deem appropriate. The instruction boxes in the report will provide more information.
Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar