Analyse the credit approval data set

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13266904


Analyse the  Credit Approval  data set (available from the UCI Machine Learning Repository  -  to  explore the different  factors that affect an individual's likelihood of being approved for a particular credit card. As is common with these data sets, all identifying details have been removed so that it is impossible for the analyst to identify any individuals from the data. Your aim is to identify which attribute or combination of attributes and which algorithm has the highest accuracy in identifying customers who would be successful in applying for this credit card. Once you have completed this, write a report to describe in detail the analyses you have performed.

Your report should include:

  • A data set description in terms of the attributes present in the data, the number of instances,missing values, and other relevant characteristics.
  • A detailed description of the pre-processing of the data.
  • Evidence that you have investigated the data using multiple analysis methods.
  • An explanation of the selected algorithm.
  • A discussion of any pre or post processing done to improve the accuracy of your analysis.
  • A business recommendation based upon your analysis.

The report should be no more than 2500 words long and should include such graphics as are appropriate to illustrate your answers.

Reference no: EM13266904

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