Reference no: EM132197700
Part I -
Q- I) In Block I, we examined our understanding of the term "literature" on the basis of definitions and views that have evolved over the ages. In addition to that, we also have been introduced to various schools of literary the theories and interpretations. Now, based on the criteria discussed in the Block: Read the passage given (attached) and decide whether it has "literary" qualities. Give reasons for your answer substantiating it with examples from the passage. (1000-1500 words)
Q-II) Read the Extract, attached with this question paper, which contains a one-act play. The Boor by Anton Chekhov and then analyse the following: (1000 - 1500 words)
a) Ethos of the play
b) Lexis of the play
c) Mode of Presentation of the play
Q-III) Read the poem A Dream Within A Dream by the American Poet Edgar Allan Poe given below and arrive at an interpretation of it based on an analysis of its imagery, syntax, diction and rhythm. (600-800 words).
Part II -
Q-I) Read the short story The Romance of a Busy Broker by O. Henry provided with this assignment as an extract and analyse the following aspects of the story:
a) Characterisation
b) Setting
c) Structure
d) Conclusion
Q-II) How many narrators do you find in Heart of Darkness? What roles/functions do they perform in the novel? And from whose point of view is the story narrated? What do you think Conrad achieves by having more than one narrator? Explain your answer with illustrations from the novel. (1000 words).
Attachment:- Assignment File.rar