Analyse the case using ethical theories

Assignment Help Case Study
Reference no: EM131961644 , Length: word count:400

Assessment Task: Group Case Study

Part 1- Group Written Report

You and your team are to select one of the following ethical dilemmas and address the questions below

o The FIFA Scandal
o WorldCom
o 7-Eleven: The Price of Convenience
o Volkswagen Emission scandal
o Or another ethical dilemma (approved by the lecturer)

The team should undertake extensive research from academic journals, books, industry sources and the media and write a report which addresses the following issues and questions:

o what was the nature of the dilemma? Provide background information to the factors that lead to the dilemma if necessary and explain how the dilemma unfolded;

o Does this dilemma breach regulations/law?

o Who are the key affected stakeholders?

o Were the actions of the main actors unethical? Analyse the case using three ethical theories examined this semester. From your analysis, discuss whether the organisations in question behaved unethically in this case.

o How was the dilemma resolved? Do you think the dilemma was resolved effectively? Consider the implications of this dilemma on ethical standards in Australia.

Structure of the report:

3 Title page 0 Table of contents 3 List of illustrations, List of tables (if applicable) 0 Executive summary (include assumptions) RI Introduction 3 Main body - Include appropriate headings/sub-headings for different sections (Z Conclusions 3 References Appendices (if applicable) Note that the title page, table of contents, list of illustrations/tables, references, and appendices are not included in the 3000 word count.

References: Students should use at least 10 references including academic journals, books, industry sources and newspaper articles (media sources)

Part 2. Group Lead Presentation

Each group is to lead a discussion in class. Group should cover the main two points below:

1. What was the issue?

2. Were the actions of the organisation in this case unethical?

Each group is to present for 15 minutes. All group members must participate in the presentation. The presentation could be in any format (discussion, debate, PowerPoint etc) and be engaging with the audience.

Reference no: EM131961644

Questions Cloud

How does this affect the hr manager decisions : What decision error is more likely to be discovered by the CEO? How does this affect the HR manager's decisions?
Create a jscript script : Create a JScript script (w3_firstname_lastname.js) that takes two parameters to do the following.
Charge that agnieszka should charge so as to maximize profit : If Agnieszka is a profit maximizing monopolist and knows the demand curve of each customer, what is the optimal cover charge that Agnieszka should charge
Small store selling high fashion clothes : Janice decides to quit her $20,000 a year job and open a small store selling high fashion clothes. To start her store, she takes $100,000 out of her savings ac
Analyse the case using ethical theories : Analyse the case using ethical theories examined this semester. From your analysis, discuss whether the organisations in question behaved unethically
Why is a bad model : Why is this a bad model? Specifically address which of the three rules of thumb for model building this model has the biggest problem with. Then explain.
Issues of pharmacological and physiological antagonism : Analyze the issues of pharmacological and physiological antagonism. Explain the receptor systems involved and the central nervous system structures effects.
What is the equilibrium level of gdp for this economy : a) Find the value of the open economy multiplier b) What is the equilibrium level of GDP for this economy?
Are import demands elastic or inelastic in this case : a) Are import demands elastic or inelastic in this case? b) Does the Marshall-Lerner condition hold? How do you know?



4/28/2018 6:01:50 AM

One student per group should submit the assignment per the LMS, on behalf of their group. The file should be labelled in the following way: MGT2BET_Submitter'sSurnameSubmitter's1D.docx (for example. MGT2BET_Smith_1234567.docx). Due date and assignment submission- week 8, at 11.59pm for the group report. Word limit: 3000 words (+/- 10%) plus references. Structure of the report: 3 Title page 0 Table of contents 3 List of illustrations, List of tables (if applicable) 0 Executive summary (include assumptions) RI Introduction 3 Main body — Include appropriate headings/sub-headings for different sections (Z Conclusions 3 References Appendices (if applicable) Note that the title page, table of contents, list of illustrations/tables, references, and appendices are not included in the 3000 word count.

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