Reference no: EM131505576
Individual assignment (Management) - more detailed guidelines
Background information of the chosen company
The discussion can focus on (but not limited to) the following points:
- General introduction about the company, its management and organisational structure
- International business environment and Australian context
- Analyse the impact of the environmental factors (i.e. political-legal, economic, socio-cultural & technological factors)
- Evaluate the level of competition within the industry in which Tassal operates
- Selected useful references:
- The company's website
- Industry and company information & general databases accessible via La Trobe's library, such as IBIS, Passport, Factiva, Company 360, Marketline Advantage, EBSCO, ProQuest.
- Chapters 1, Samson & Daft's textbook
- Chapter 3 - Environmental analysis for sustainable strategic management (pages 60-95) from Sustainable Strategic Management (2nd edition) book by Stead & Stead.
The discussion can focus on (but not limited to) the following points:
- Analyse Tassal's vision, mission and values and their connection with sustainability.
- Analyse Tassal's goal setting practices, and major types of plans
- Examine Tassal's approach(s) to planning (i.e. traditional, modern and innovative)
- How has sustainability been incorporated into those key decisions/ practices?
- Selected useful references:
- The company's website, industry & company information, and general databases
- Chapters 7, Samson & Daft's textbook
- Chapter 12 - Sustainability in airlines (pages 174-187) from Sustainability and Management: An international perspective book by Caliyurt & Yuksel.Human resources management
The discussion can focus on (but not limited to) the following points:
- Which HR-related competitive strategies have been implemented by Tassal?
- How has Tassal managed to find the right people?
- How has Tassal managed to develop an effective workforce?
- How has Tassal managed to maintain an effective workforce?
- Has any sustainable practice been applied in Tassal's HRM activities?
- Selected useful references:
- The company's website, industry & company information, and general databases
- Chapters 12, Samson & Daft's textbook
- Book section: "The relevance of the vision of sustainability to HRM practice", pages 401 -419, from Sustainability and Human resource management book, by Ehnert, Harry & Zink.
- Book section: "Sustainability and HRM" pages 3 -33, from Sustainability and Human resource management book, by Ehnert,, Harry & Zink.
- Jabbour, C. J. C., & Santos, F. C. A. (2008). The central role of human resource management in the search for sustainable organizations. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19(12), 2133-2154. (accessible via La Trobe's library)
The discussion can focus on (but not limited to) the following points:
- Examine leadership at Tassal and its effectiveness
- Analyse the leadership styles exercised in Tassal.
- Which leadership traits and characteristics have been demonstrated by Tassal's leaders; which type of power and influence tactics have been used?
- Has Tassal's leadership been able to inspire and motive people beyond their normal levels of performance (i.e. charismatic and transformational leadership)?
- How has sustainability been incorporated into Tassal's leadership?
- Selected useful references:
- The company's website, industry & company information, and general databases
- Chapters 15, Samson & Daft's textbook
- Chapter 8 - Organisational governance and strategic leadership in SSM (pages 239-245) from Sustainable Strategic Management (2nd edition) book by Stead & Stead.
Controlling the value chain and technology
The discussion can focus on (but not limited to) the following points:
- Analyse how effective Tassal is in conducting its operations management.
- Analyse how effective Tassal is in managing its supply chain.
- Has new technology been implemented in Tassal's operations/supply chain management practices?
- How has sustainability been incorporated into those key decisions/ practices?
- Selected useful references:
- The company's website, industry & company information, and general databases
- Chapters 20, Samson & Daft's textbook
- Book section: "Value chain analysis" (pages 109-112), from Sustainable Strategic Management book by Stead & Stead.
- Section 20 - Sustainable supply chain management: The good, the bad and the ugly (pages 277-287) from Sustainability and Management: An international perspective book by Caliyurt & Yuksel.
- Sustainable supply chain management across the UK private sector by Walker & Jones (2012)
Controlling the value chain and technology
The discussion can focus on (but not limited to) the following points:
- Analyse how effective Tassal is in conducting its operations management.
- Analyse how effective Tassal is in managing its supply chain.
- Has new technology been implemented in Tassal's operations/supply chain management practices?
- How has sustainability been incorporated into those key decisions/ practices?
- Selected useful references:
- The company's website, industry & company information, and general databases
- Chapters 20, Samson & Daft's textbook
- Book section: "Value chain analysis" (pages 109-112), from Sustainable Strategic Management book by Stead & Stead.
- Section 20 - Sustainable supply chain management: The good, the bad and the ugly (pages 277-287) from Sustainability and Management: An international perspective book by Caliyurt & Yuksel.
- Sustainable supply chain management across the UK private sector by Walker & Jones (2012)
Recommendations & future strategies
- Future strategies management should engage in (identify at least 3 major strategies for the company)
- Please make sure the recommendations/suggested strategies are made based on your earlier analyses
Other requirements
- Report format with headings and sub-headings
- Approximately 2,500 words (+/- 10% accepted; excluding executive summary & list of references)
- Use Microsoft Word format only, Times New Roman 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing
- Use Harvard referencing style.
- 15-20 references are expected (including at least 5 academic references)
- See the Subject Learning Guide for marking rubric, and other information in LMS
- All submissions MUST be made via LMS (Turnitin), otherwise the work WON'T be marked.
- NO changes to the submitted work can be made after the deadline.
- Penalty for late submission will be applied; request for extension (if any) will need to be made by logging application for Special Consideration via Ask La Trobe.
- Please check the marking rubric for this assignment in the subject learning guide before submitting to ma <e sure all marking criteria have been well addressed.
The aim of this assignment is to conduct a management analysis of Tassa
The report should contain the following elements (please see marking rubrics for more details):
- Background, introduction and importance of company to the Australian and international business landscape:
o Focus on its international business environment and funnel it down to Australian base
- Research, analysis and discussion of sustainability related strategies and issues:
o Please relate your analysis to sustainability practices of Tassal (i.e. reflect on relevant theory + strategies applied + sustainability practices implemented by the company), and include the roles of planning, organising, leading and controlling mainly demonstrated via:
- Planning and strategy
- Human resources management
- Leadership
- Controlling the value chain and technology
- Future strategies management should engage in (identify 3 major strategies based on previous analysis of the company)
o Please make recommendations and conclusions based on your analysis
Submitting the Assignment
This is an individual report. You should submit using the Moodle submission link for this assignment. Remember that, the report should
- be approximately 2,500 words. Word count starts from Introduction to Conclusions.
- use Times New Roman 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing
- use Harvard referencing. 15-20 references are expected. Please use at least 75% of academic references.