Analyse quantitative data using IBM SPSS statistics

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM131799440

Business Research Methods

Coursework:Analysis of data

This assignment consists of two parts. Part A is an analysis of quantitative data and Part B is ananalysis of qualitative data. We will give you the data in both cases. Each part should consist of data analysis, commentary and interpretation and should make good use of published sources to justify your choices. For each part, you should write well-structured & designed report ofbetween 750 and 1000 words- plus any diagrams and charts you produce and a list of references.

Part A

For Part A you will need to analyse some quantitative data using IBM SPSS Statistics This data is available in the Teaching Resources section of the BRM module website in the CW2 Data folder. The file you need is: jss.savThe directors of a medium sized company have asked you to investigate answers to several HR related questions and write a short report. You have access to a survey of their employees that has recently been carried out (jss.sav). The questions you need to investigate- in some detail - are:
1. What is the age distribution of the workforce? (Use, for example, Histogram)
2. What proportion of employees belongs to each ethnic group? (Use, for example, Bar Graph)
3. What is the average income? (Use, for example, Descriptive Statistics, Descriptives)
4. How is number of years worked related to salary, if at all? (Use, for example, Linear Regression)
5. How different are the average salaries of the different skill categories? (Use, for example, One-way ANOVA)
6. Is there a significant difference between the proportion of males and females who attended the firm's meeting last month? (Use, for example, Chi-Squared)
Use IBM SPSS Statistics to carry out appropriate analyses of the data (jss.sav) to investigate these questions in some detail, and write a report presenting your findings and explanations of what these analyses mean to your directors - who do not know much about statistics.

Detailed procedure

1 Download the SPSS Booklet (SSCU SPSS v23 Booklet.pdf) from the SPSS folderof the Teaching Resources in the BRM module website.
2 Work through the booklet, concentrating on sections 1, 2, 3, 10, 12, 13 and 14.
3 Find the data file "jss.sav"in the CW2 Datafolder of the Teaching Resources section of the BRM module website, download it and save it.
4 Open IBM SPSS Statistics. There is SPSS on all computers in the LRC (Start Menu ->(All Programs) ->SPSS 24). It is also possible for you to install SPSS on your own computer. The LRC HelpDesk can help you if you want to do this. It is a little complicated, though, as SPSS is a very expensive program and the licencing is well protected. So give yourself some time if you intend to do this.
5 In IBM SPSS Statisticsopen the File menu, click on Open, thenData. Navigate to the place you saved "jss.sav".Select "jss.sav", and click on Open.
6 Work through the 6 questions above.
7 Produce the appropriate analyses.
8 Format the tables and charts well, giving them titles, labelling the axes etc. Right click the charts to edit them.
9 Save a copy of the SPSS Output file. Choose Export on the File menu, then "pdf" as document type and Save. You MUST hand this file in with your report.
10 Write your report according to the above brief, including the charts/diagrams &analyses from IBM SPSS Statistics, with your comments/interpretations of the analyses, explaining what they mean.Right click the charts etc to copy and paste them into your report. Make sure any graphics are labelled correctly and explicitly referred to.Use the conventional report format as suggested on Slide 62 of Lecture 11 (Interpretation of Data), delivered on 11 December 2017.
11 Write between 750 and 1000 words as well as including any tables, charts or diagrams.
12 You should make good use of credible published sources and refer to any sources you use - textbooks, SPSS manuals etc in the conventional manner.
13 Include a list of references formatted in the HBS Harvard Style (See CASE website).
14 Submit your report.See below.

Essential reading for Part A: Chapter 12 of Saunders, Lewis&Thornhill (2016)

Part B

For Part B you will need to analyse some qualitative data. This is available in the Teaching Resources section of the module website in the CW2 Data folder. The file you need is: "pakistani-banks-interviews.docx".

The text consists of parts of an interview transcript from a business PhD research project titled "Work-Family Conflict: A Case Study of Women in Pakistani Banks." The purpose of the study was to examine the work-family situation of women working in male-dominated industry in Pakistan. It is an exploratory study, using an inductive approach, starting with few pre-conceptions about the topic.
- Read the text several times to make sure you understand it.
- Use whatever methods you want to analyse and interpret this text. Count words, draw diagrams, etc or whatever you think is useful. Justify your choices by reference to the RM literature.

- Identify themes and subthemes and show how they are related.Quote evidence from the interview transcript to support these.
- Draw some conclusions.
- Consider how this exploratory interview can lead to the next stage in the research.
- Write between 750 and 1000 words as well as including any charts or diagrams.
- You should make good use of credible published sources and refer to any sources you make use of - textbooks, manuals etc.
- Include a list of references formatted in the HBS Harvard Style (See CASE Website).

Reference no: EM131799440

Questions Cloud

Explains the concepts behind group decision-making : One video available on Youtube which I found very useful and accurate explains the concepts behind group decision-making.
Preparing an audit in business : What would be the phases required in preparing an Audit in your business?
Expalin the appropriate forecasting method : National Scan, Inc., sells ratio frequency inventory tags. Monthly sales for a 6-month period were as follows.
Discuss what is expected to happen to contribution margin : what is expected to happen to the Contribution Margin (CM) and to the Break-Even Point (BE) respectively
Analyse quantitative data using IBM SPSS statistics : Analyse quantitative data using IBM SPSS Statistics This data is available in the Teaching Resources section of the BRM module website in the CW2 Data
How do state and federal courts compare : What are the similarities and differences with respect to the kinds of cases heard in each court? What is judicial review in connection with the Constitution.
Explain what are the flows within a supply chain : Provide an overview of a supply chain, including the elements that make up a supply chain. What are the flows within a supply chain, and why are they important?
Healthcare system with regards to organization : Assess the current healthcare system with regards to organization and performance
Disregard the demand pattern of the given time series : Disregard the demand pattern of the given time series, You are asked to use the time series to derive a trend equation. In order to derive the trend equation.



1/6/2018 12:54:19 AM

20 – 39 Clear Fail Inadequate... Report format & poor paragraphing / signposting. Inappropriate writing style. Poorly presented&/or poor spelling &grammar.Must see CASE Inadequate...Use of Harvard referencing with many errors &/or inconsistencies. Must see CASE Inadequate...Lacksevidence of business application & insight. Some literature irrelevant to topic. Inadequate...Lacking in relevant content/ knowledge/calculations. Content irrelevant / inaccurate. Does not meet all the learning outcomes. Inadequate...Lacking / inadequate level of discussion/ analysis/critical evaluation & /or reflection. Descriptive. Must see CASE


1/6/2018 12:54:12 AM

40-49 Marginal Fail Weak...Report format, limited or poor structure. Poorly presented figures. Muddled work with many spelling& / or grammatical errors. Weak...Use of Harvard referencing system with errors & inconsistently applied. Limited referencing within the text.Limited accuracy of in-text references compared to those in the final Reference list. Weak...Unsatisfactory evidence of business application & insight Work needs to show better links between practical application & theory. Weak...Limited content / knowledge/ calculations. Limited or muddled understanding of the topic/question. Does not meet all the learning outcomes. Weak...Limited evidence of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation &/or reflection. More development & comment needed. May need to do more than describe.


1/6/2018 12:54:06 AM

50-54 Satisfactory Satisfactory...Basic report structure. Not always presented &written clearly &has grammatical & / or spelling errors. Satisfactory...Basic referencing within text & consistent use of Harvard referencing system. Accuracy of in-text references & full details shown in Reference list. Satisfactory...Business insight & application. Limited integration with literature/ data. Use of literature/data but limited in breadth OR depth. Satisfactory... Content / level of knowledge of the topic. Addresses part of the task. Some errors / omissions in content/ calculations. May benefit from further research. Satisfactory... Basic evidence of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation &/or reflection but some points superficially made so need further development.


1/6/2018 12:54:00 AM

55-59 Good Good...Clear presentation & report structure with well integrated sections & figures. Writing is mainly clear but some spelling &/ or grammatical errors. Good...Standard of referencing within text & consistent use of Harvard referencing system. Accuracy of in-text references & full details shown in Reference list. Good... Business insight & application. Breadth, depth & integration of literature/data into work. Good...Grasp of the topic & some of its implications presented. Knowledge & understanding is demonstrated. Minor errors / omissions in content/ calculations. Good... Level of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation &/or reflection but more ideas/points could be addressed /developed further.


1/6/2018 12:53:53 AM

60-69 Very Good Very good...Presentation & report structure with well-integrated sections & figures. Fluent academic writing style. Very few grammatical errors & spelling mistakes. Very good... Standard of referencing within text & consistent use of Harvard referencing system. Accuracy of in-text references & full details shown in Reference list. Very good... Business insight & application. Breadth, depth & integration of literature/data into work. Very good... Level of knowledge & understanding demonstrated. Covers most relevant points & issues. Few errors / omissions in content/calculations. Very good... Level of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation &/or reflection & a few ideas/points could benefit from further development &/or evaluation/comparison.


1/6/2018 12:53:46 AM

70-79 Excellent Excellent ... Presentation & report structure with well-integrated sections & figures. Articulate & fluent academic writing style. Only minor errors. Excellent...Standard of referencing within text & consistent use of Harvard referencing system. Accuracy of in-text references & full details shown in Reference list. Excellent ... Business insight & application. Breadth, depth & integration of literature/data into work. Excellent ... Level of knowledge & understanding demonstrated. Evidence of appropriate reading. Covers all relevant points & issues. Excellent...Level of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation &/or reflection clearly developing points in the appropriate way with thorough consideration of all possibilities.


1/6/2018 12:53:40 AM

/Marks / 5 Marks /5 Marks /20 Marks /35 Marks / 35 Marks Lecturer comments: 80-100 Outstanding Outstanding...Presentation & report structure with very well-integrated sections and figures. Articulate & fluent academic writing style. No grammatical / spelling errors. Outstanding...Standard of referencing within text & consistent use of Harvard referencing system. Accuracy of in-text references & full details shown in Reference list. Outstanding...Business insight & application. Breadth, depth & integration of literature/data into work. Outstanding...Exploration of topic showing excellent knowledge & understanding through thorough & appropriate research. Impressive choice and range of appropriate content. Outstanding...Level of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation &/or reflection. Highly developed/focused work.


1/6/2018 12:53:31 AM

PGMarking Scheme for CW2 7BSP1205-0901(Data Analysis) Module Code:7BSP1205-0901 Business Research Methods Lecturers:Siegrid Beck/Andy GillettStudent ID: _________________________ ESSAY Presentation & structure Use & presentation of HBS Harvard Referencing Breadth / Depth / Integration of Literature Content/ Findings/Calculations Discussion /Analysis /Critical evaluation &/or Reflection Task details Follows report structure & keeps to word limit of 1000 words. Follows HBS Harvard style for in-text citation & Reference List Quality of referencing technique Integration & application of information: Use of relevant sources/justifications firmly linked to theory/RM literature Contentincluded:choice and presentation of suitable methods of analysis. Accurately calculated. Line of argument, development of discussion: link between charts/diagrams/figures and analysis/interpretation established, maintained and justified / scope and limitations considered


1/6/2018 12:52:58 AM

9.not sufficient focus on how to analyse the specific data set by providing a detailed, step by step approach (what exactly did you do to arrive at the themes that you identified?) 10. insufficient application of theoretical concepts to the specific task 11. insufficient use of data examples and, when examples were given, no reference to where in the data set the example was found What can be done? • Read RM textbooks and research articles in journals to further your knowledge and deepen your understanding of RM theory (qualitative data analysis) • Approach CASE to find out if there are workshops or materials available to practise applying theoretical concepts to specific situations


1/6/2018 12:52:50 AM

What can be done? • Read RM textbooks and research articles in journals to further your knowledge and deepen your understanding of RM theory (quantitative data analysis) • Approach CASE to find out if there are workshops or materials available to practise applying theoretical concepts to specific situations 7. inaccurate use of language in the commentary for the statistical analyses What can be done? • Attend any Academic English sessions regularly offered on any modules; seek individual AE advice from the AE tutors in CASE Particularly relevant for Part B: 8. too much general theory on qualitative data/inductive approach/ exploratory research


1/6/2018 12:52:33 AM

Generic feedback on CW2 After assessing both parts of CW2, the following areas were identified as frequent causes for some students not achieving high grades: Particularly relevant for Part A 1. the purpose of the task was not/ not clearly identified in the introduction 2. the report was not clearly structured overall and this caused confusion for the reader 3. visuals (graphs, diagrams, charts, tables) were not clearly labelled 4. there were issues with the layout and formatting of the document What can be done? • Read the brief carefully to identify the task • Enhance your report writing skills by booking a CASE workshop • Read business reports/ research reports and note their structure/follow it in future similar tasks 5. there was insufficient link/weak link to RM theory to justify the choice of diagrams/charts/tables 6. insufficient depth/detail/creativity in the analysis and interpretation of the data


1/6/2018 12:52:15 AM

• You should write between 750 and 1000 words for each part, as well as including any tables and charts you produced and your list of references. • For part A, you must also submit a pdf copy of the final SPSS output file with your StudyNet submission. You MUST submit this file with your report. Failure to do so will incur a 10 percent penalty. • Competent use of appropriate Research Methods vocabulary is expected. • You should make good use of credible published sources and refer to any sources you make use of – textbooks, manuals etc.


1/6/2018 12:52:08 AM

heck the attachment files here all the details are their for assignment and you should also need to send the SPSS document file and that should be in "jss.sav" file pls go through all the attachment files.Further information: • You must attempt both parts of the assignment. • Parts A and B are weighted equally (50:50). • Write two separate reports but submit them as one file named appropriately. • The hand in date is: - 10:00 on Monday, 8 (electronic copy via StudyNet and hard copy). • Hand in a hard copy of your report to the coursework submission point on Ground Floor of M Block. Also submit an electronic version of your report PLUS the SPSS Output File via StudyNet.Make sure you name your files appropriately – “BRM-student number-CW2”.

Write a Review

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  Patients in poor or good condition

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  Confidence intervals for the population proportion

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  Effect on organizational commitment

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  The one-sample t statistic from a sample of n 15

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