Analyse pathophysiology and physiological changes

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Reference no: EM133511640

Case Study Pancreatitis Presentation Aneru is a 55-year-old admitted to hospital with acute pancreatitis. He is complaining of severe abdominal pain in the LUQ, radiating to his mid-back. He is also nauseated and has vomited 4 times over the past 12 hours. Vomit is bile coloured. Past Medical History History of excessive alcohol. BMI 30. Attempts to lose weight have been unsuccessful. Social History Lives alone. Made redundant 3 months ago when the construction company he worked for went into receivership. Assessment data: Vital signs: T 38.3°C, HR 124, RR 26, BP 100/58, SpO2 95%, pain score 7/10. Neurological: alert, orientated to person, place and time. Cardiovascular: Heart sounds regular, tachycardic. Respiratory: tachypnoea, air entry audible to lung bases Abdomen: rounded, guarding on palpitation LUQ Skin:Jaundice noted in sclerosis Lab Values: Serum amylase 400U/L (28-100U/L) Serum Lipase 210U/L (10-60U/L) WBX 20 ×103/UL) Diagnosis is acute pancreatitis Management plan. NOP, NG TUBE to low intermittent suction, iv therapy, meperidine, 2hourly vitals sign 1. Analyse pathophysiology and physiological changes across the lifespan in relation to nursing practice? 2. integrate evidence based practice with nursing knowledge?

Reference no: EM133511640

Questions Cloud

Share your list of possible instructions tasks : Discuss 2-3 of the strategies above that you think would be useful in completing your instructions this week. Explain why.
Assumption of symbolic interactionist perspectives on health : List the assumptions of the functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist perspectives on health and medicine.
Discuss board certification comparing the two states : Discuss board certification comparing the two states (what is required to sit for the certification exam? Education courses, clinical hours, etc
Describe the changes that took place during the swap : In the second part of your essay, describe the changes that took place during the swap. Start with the reasons for the swap. Don't just assume that it happened.
Analyse pathophysiology and physiological changes : Analyse pathophysiology and physiological changes across the lifespan in relation to nursing practice? 2. integrate evidence based practice with nursing knowled
Microorganisms that commonly cause infections : Name the microorganisms that commonly cause infections of the reproductive tract in males and What are the advantages and disadvantages of these forms of birth
Explain why you believe they are part of the success model : What is the company, what is the product being featured, and what did you like the most about it? explain why you believe they are part of the success model.
Why do patients sometimes use the hospital emergency : The current US health care system has an acute care focus. Should the focus continue to be on acute care or preventive health care
What are the medical diagnosis and his medications : What is your nursing mind map in this scenario? What are the medical diagnosis and his medications? What diagnostic, test and procedures perform


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