Analyse marketing issues and strategies

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM132651253 , Length: word count:1600

HC2022 Marketing Research - Holmes Institute

Learning Outcome 1: Evaluate theoretical and practical knowledge of Marketing Research

Learning Outcome 2: Analyse marketing issues and strategies using core marketing concepts and work with others to develop marketing strategies.

Learning Outcome 3: Analyse and evaluate research methods, using primary and secondary data, design questionnaire, statistical analysis and write research report.

Learning Outcome 4: Demonstrate research skills, showing initiative in consulting the academic literature and integrating fresh ideas into the discourse in preparation for life-long learning

Learning Outcome 5: Demonstrate the capacity to write persuasive reports containing sound recommendations, in preparation for their career in business.

Question 1
Homeware Greens is small Australian company based in Adelaide, who has been successful in selling certified environmentally sustainable homeware and gifts products made in Australia. The owners of Homeware Greens want to expand their business and have identified Melbourne as a potential new market to enter. You have been asked by the owners provide proposal of an online gift shop. Compare this type of gift store to the traditional ‘brick and mortar' store. How might the research design differ for each? Refer to Week 2 Lecture slides and recordings for more information. (Must provide 2 references, there should be at least one academic reference and one non-academic). (At least 400 words).

Question 2
List and describe the components of a research report and provide a brief overview of each component? Refer to Week 11 Lecture slides and recordings, as well the internet for further information. (Must provide 2 references, there should be at least one academic reference and one non-academic). (at least 400 words).

Question 3
How can you identify the difference between quantitative and qualitative question? Conduct an internet search citing your references of respected authorities on this subject. Refer to Week 3 slides and recordings for further information (Must provide 2 references, there should be at least one academic reference and one non-academic). (At least 200 words).

Question 4
Suppose you were working for a company that wanted to start a business selling hand-made acoustic guitars. Pricing is a big part of the decision-making. Secondary information is available via the internet. Using eBay or Amazon, identify four key brands of vintage acoustic guitars listed for sale that seem to be associated with the highest prices. As the company wishes to charge premium prices based on the information that you gathered before. Explain how this information can support and justify the premium prices for their own hand-made acoustic guitars? Refer to Week 4 slides and recordings for further information (At least 200 words).

Question 5
There are many issues that researchers require consideration when designing market research. Using an internet search engine of your choice, list and discuss five (5) issues that require consideration. Student can refer to the ‘The nature of surveys' section of the Week 5 lecture slides and recordings for further information. (Must provide 2 references, there should be at least one academic reference and one non-academic to justify your answer). (At least 200 words).

Question 6
What is the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics? Provide an example to each. Refer to Week 9 lecture slides and recordings for further information (Must provide 2 references, there should be at least one academic reference and one non-academic). (At least 200 words).

Attachment:- Marketing Research.rar

Reference no: EM132651253

Questions Cloud

Calculate ABC Company total assets at May : ABC Company entered into the following transactions during May, its first month of operations: Calculate ABC Company total assets at May 31
Determining the rate of return on the stock : A stock with a beta of 2.0 has an expected rate of return of 21%. If the market return this year turns out to be 8 percentage points below expectations
Briefly discuss the term optimal capital structure : Briefly discuss the term "Optimal Capital Structure". Does your company have an optimal debt/equity ratio? Use calculations on business risk in your analysis
Calculate the npv of the fcf associated with alternative : ?Beryl's Iced Tea currently rents a bottling machine for $51,000 per? year, including all maintenance expenses. It is considering purchasing
Analyse marketing issues and strategies : Analyse marketing issues and strategies using core marketing concepts and work with others to develop marketing strategies
Arithmetic average return on the company stock : You've observed the following returns on Crash-n-Burn Computer's stock over the past five years: 4 percent, -13 percent, 29 percent, 20 percent, and 16 percent.
Which does not effectively characterize the post-sox era : Which does not effectively characterize the post-SOX era? The reduction of the importance and role of ethics within publicly traded companies.
What is the new current ratio : Dooley Company had current assets of $1,592, current liabilities of $1,403, total assets of $1,742, what is the new current ratio
What rate of return must she earn on her investment : What rate of return must she earn on her investment over the next 25 years to permit her to withdraw $75,000 at the end


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