Reference no: EM132332617
Location Photography
This unit aims to develop learners’ understanding and develop skills in location photography techniques.
Learning outcomes
LO1 Be able to research locations for a photographic shoot
1.1 Research contemporary working practice in location photography
1.2 Select composition backgrounds for a location photography brief
LO2 Understand how to assess lighting requirements for a location shoot
2.1 Analyse lighting condition for a location shoot
2.2 Evaluate and apply lighting set-up for a location shoot
LO3 Be able to use photographic equipment and resources for a location shoot and print production
3.1 Select equipment for location photo shoot
3.2 Use photographic techniques to produce prints for the location photo brief
LO4 Be able to evaluate location photography
4.1 Assess use of equipment and techniques
4.2 Evaluate fitness for purpose of prints in meeting the set brief.