Analyse how the two ads create meaning

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Reference no: EM131883111

Advertising Analysis Assignment

General Outline

The purpose of this assignment is for you to use the skills you have gained so far in the analysis of advertisements and apply them to a chosen print ad. You are asked to write a 1000-1200 word essay, analysing two ads thoroughly, using semiotic methods of analysis. Also make use of some the critical concepts and tools for language and image analysis you have learned so far.

You are asked to analyse how the two ads create meaning with reference to your focus (e.g. stereotypes or the representation of identities) and show an awareness of the ad's functions and (potential) ideological effects within a certain culture.

This requires you to:

  1. briefly describe relevant features of the ad
  2. analyse the relevant features used in the ad and how they are put together to create a certain meaning
  3. discuss to whom the ad is addressed and how the ad is arranged to achieve this. This requires you to think about larger cultural and/or political issues and contexts and show an awareness of how your chosen ad relates to these.

Core Requirements for this assignment

Critical Thinking: You will have to think hard and communicate some strong critical thinking ideas, so your critical analysis of the ad will be a significant part of the assessment.

Articulated and developed ideas: You must have a clear focus, research question and thesis statement. Make your point using clear and understandable sentences and push your ideas to their fullest conclusion.

Organization: You need to make conscious choices about how to best structure your ideas and how to connect those ideas.

Assignment Guidelines

Analyse both print ads shown below.

Format your essay in the following way: double-­-spaced, Times New Roman, Font 12. Have a separate cover page that includes your full name, ID, date of submission and the full course name and number. Also include the title of your essay.

In the introduction describe your research question/problem and frame your analysis that will follow. Provide a concise statement - what are you focusing on and what is your main argument?

You should also briefly provide relevant information regarding the ad. This may include a brief description of the ad and the product that is being sold, the target market and some further relevant background information if (e.g. company or brand information, social and cultural context).

In the main body briefly and concisely describe relevant linguistic and visual features of the advertisement on a denotative level.

Identify headline, body copy, slogan and signature. Is there parallelism, positive language, one- or two word- sentences? Is there a testimonial?

Explain what and who is pictured in each advertisement and how the ad is arranged. Then move to the connotative level of the ads.

What are their more hidden meanings? Pay particular attention to poses, objects and settings, colours. Is the ad of high or low modality? Is it an offer or demand image? Is the ad reason or tickle? And how do these factors contribute to the ads' potential ideological meanings?

Make sure you analyse ALL THE LANGUAGE present in the ad.

Analyse the ads in detail with regard to your focus, using some of the critical concepts we have discussed. Break your analysis down into paragraphs.

Address questions of audiences and culture, such as who may be the target audience, what impact may the ad have and how? How does the ad relate to and seek to influence potential consumers, society and culture?

Briefly summarise your main findings at the end of the essay and point out the relevance of these findings.

Use at least four academic references from Semiotics; you may use other academic resources in support of your argument as well as long as you engage, i.e quote from the academic sources in the essay.

It is not enough to include the references in the appendix; you need to use them (i.e. quote from them) in the essay.

You must upload your essay on Blackboard by the deadline.

Some hints

Be focused and have a clear research question and focus
Remember that you cannot do everything - Only discuss relevant information

Remember that your essay will be checked by SafeAssign - any plagiarism will be detected and penalised

Submit your essay on time - you will lose ten points for each day your assignment is late, unless you have been granted an extension before the deadline

There is no chance to rewrite your assignment if you receive a low grade - so make sure to do it properly the first time and if in doubt, seek feedback before you hand it in

Some questions you may find useful when analysing the ad

Which product/service/event is being pitched?

What persuasive strategies are being used? (language, image, colours, etc.)

What makes you or others want to purchase this product/service or not? How does the ad try to appeal on an emotional level (pathos)? Does the ad use pathos, logos or ethos or a combination of these tree rhetorical strategies?

What is the intended effect of the ad and how does it try to achieve this?

What is the ad saying about a society or culture? Which cultural symbols does it use? How may it affect culture and society?

Who is the audience for the ad? How do you know? How would you describe them? How would you characterise their interests and desires? What assumptions are the writers of the ad making about the people who make up the audience?

You can also use some of the questions from the Media Studies textbook on pages 46-­-47 to guide you in your analysis

Compare and contrast the two ads below:

Discuss the two ads with reference to the representation and function of women and men in Western lifestyle ads as well as in relation to UAE culture. Discuss any gender ideologies they may contain. Identify the relevant linguistic features, such as headline, body copy, slogan, signature and analyse their language features (e.g positive words, synonyms, etc.) Then analyse the visual features such as colour, background, pose, modality, shot type. What do these features tell us about the representation of men and women in Western culture? How are the two ads different and how are the differences articulated in word and image?

Analyse ALL the language in the ads (that includes the long text alongside the products) and look for stereotypical representations of men and women. Please also use quotes and sources from our set text in support of your argument. For example, when you talk about denotation and connotation provide the source of these terms.

2.) LAB Series - Skincare for men

Attachment:- ads.rar

Verified Expert

??An effective advertisement depends on a number of factors like convincing power of the advert, the ability to make the content presentable and many more. The current semiotic analysis essay will analyze critically the two ads that are of different brands, Loreal and Lab series. The main focus and research question of this paper is to analyze the persuasive strategies of the ads and even to understand the various ways that could trigger more purchase rates of these products. The main thesis statement of this paper is to analyze and compare the two ads. The following paper will briefly analyze the provided questions by analyzing and comparing the two ads. Discuss the different strategies that these companies taken in order to persuade its customers will also in this paper.

Reference no: EM131883111

Questions Cloud

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2/28/2018 5:24:08 AM

Word choice is Word choice Scholarly style. Scholarly style. 10 points Expression, Clarity, Accuracy informal in tone. Writing is choppy, with many awkward or unclearpassages. Errors in expression detract substantially from occasionally informal in tone. Writing has a few awkward or unclear passages. Errors in Writing has minimal awkward of unclear passages. Rare errors in expression that do not detract from the Writing is flowing and easy to follow, clear and concise. the paper. expression are paper. noticeable.


2/28/2018 5:24:00 AM

Grammar & Mechanics Grammatical errors or spelling & punctuation substantially detract from the paper. Few grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors interfere with reading the paper. Grammatical errors or spelling and punctuation are rare and do not detract from the paper. The paper is free of grammatical, spelling & punctuation errors. 10 points


2/28/2018 5:23:47 AM

Conclusion Does not summarize main argument with respect to research question. Does not point out relevance of findings of analysis. Review of key conclusions. Some integration with regard to research question. Some reference of findings of analysis is mentioned. Good review of key conclusions. Good integration with research question. Points out relevance of findings of analysis. Strong review of key conclusions. Strong integration with research question. Insightful summary of relevance of findings of analysis. 10 points


2/28/2018 5:23:27 AM

Limited use and understanding of critical concepts. Analysis has gaps and is incoherent. Limited close analysis of relevant signs (language and image) and limited awareness of ad’s meaning.


2/28/2018 5:22:56 AM

Ad Analysis Good description of relevant signs of the ad. Good understanding of ad’s form (language ad image) and context. Some reference of findings of analysis is mentioned. Good review of key conclusions. Good integration with research question


2/28/2018 5:22:41 AM

Ad Description and Contextualization Limited description that misses relevant aspects of the ad. Limited understanding of ad’s form (language and image) and context. A few lapses in ad description. Some understanding of ad’s form (language and image) and context. Good description of relevant signs of the ad. Good understanding of ad’s form (language ad image) and context. Clearly describes relevant signs of the ad. Strong understanding of ad’s form (language and image) and context. 20 points


2/28/2018 5:22:34 AM

You can also use some of the questions from the Media Studies textbook on pages 46-­-47 to guide you in your analysis How I will grade your Ad Analysis CATEGORY Unacceptable (Below Standards) Acceptable (Meets Standards) Good (Occasionally Exceeds) Excellent (Exceeds Standards) SCORE Introduction Does not adequately convey topic and introduce subtopics to be discussed. Lacks adequate research question. Conveys topic, but not key question(s). Describes subtopics to be reviewed. General research question. Conveys topic and key question(s). Clearly delineates subtopics to be reviewed. General research question. Strong introduction of topic’s key question(s). Clearly delineates subtopics to be reviewed. Specific research question. 10 points

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