Reference no: EM133748203 , Length: word count:1200
Learning Outcome 1: Critically analyse how managers operate effectively in a global context.
Learning Outcome 2: Develop a capacity to formulate business decisions within a global context.
Learning Outcome 3: Critically appraise how organisations operate and apply these frameworks in a global perspective
Talent' are those roles within an organisation that are central to value creation and/or competitive advantage. Generally, those classed as talented are:
• ‘valuable' (i.e. they are tied to the output of a firm)
• ‘rare' (i.e. they are in short supply) and,
• to a lesser extent immovable (i.e. they need to be retained for a certain period of time to be able to deliver outcomes).
Aside from that, there are several contextual factors that influence whether a role would be considered ‘talent' or not. For example, the region where business is undertaken, the workforce supply, the level of training required, the level of experience and competence, and sometimes, the level of desirability of the role.
In this task you will choose a real-life organisation* that you have some knowledge** of. The organisation that you choose will also be used in Assessment 2. Using the talent identification concepts learnt in Week 1-2 of this unit, and those obtained through further reading of scholarly and practitioner material, identify and justify which roles in your chosen organisation would be classed as ‘talent.'
Your presentation should simulate a professional presentation to senior organisational stakeholders and convey insights that should shape how they think about their future recruitment and strategic performance initiatives.
You will present your talent identification response in class OR a video presentation recorded in Panopto OR uploaded as a video file to Panopto. You should consult at least six scholarly/academic references as part of justifying why the roles(s) you have identified in your presentation should be classed as talent. PLEASE NOTE: If you choose other methods, apart from Panopto, to record your presentation, you need to inform the lecturer and ensure that this recording would reach your lecturer.
The quality of the video should be good enough to be clearly seen and heard, but your video-making abilities will not be marked.
• In an effort to simulate a professional presentation targeting senior organisational stakeholders, overlaying your face on top of a PowerPoint (or equivalent) presentation would be most appropriate.
Components to include in the (5-7 minutes) presentation:
• ONE Slide - Context counts: It is recommended that you spend approximately 1:30 minutes articulating your chosen case organisation. This will be important to disclose, as a large part of why a role is considered talent may relate to the business context. The context information would be something such as location, number of employees, industry, organisation strategy. type of employees, years in operation, etc. Please also see "**Knowledge of an organisation" below.
• One Slide - Name the roles (1-2 roles) you've identified as talent: This component might take approximately 30-60 seconds to discuss (the shorter the better).
• One to FOUR Slides - Justify your position: offer your reasoning and justification as to why those roles/that role, relative to others, should be considered the talent. If it is helpful, you may use visual models (as per Collings &Mellahi's 2009 seminal research paper on the topic) to justify your position. While justifying your response against theory is important, it still needs to work in practice - thus, ensure you've spent sufficient time reflecting on all possible options, and selecting the very best ones to present on.
You may select any real-life organisation. Ideally, you will have some knowledge of that organisation, or can source the required information publicly. You are not required to undertake any formal engagement with the organisation - nor are you asked, or required, to supply data or information about that organisation that may not be appropriate in the public domain. Where you have experience with the organisation, your assertions regarding its operational strength, staff culture, financial status, competitive future etc. will be taken as a sound appraisal of the organisation. Do not supply information that might be commercially sensitive or commercial in-confidence. If you have any concern about disclosing the name of your organisation, it is recommended that you use a pseudonym, code or avatar that disguises its true identity, but remains a case that is reasonably believable. If you have any concerns, please liaise with the appropriate teaching staff.
Knowledge of an organisation would include a rough idea as to the number of staff employed by the organisation; the key functions, services and/or products produced by the organisation; a sense of its strategic goals (sometimes given in five-yearly strategic plan documents); and, a surface-level appraisal of its overall performance, including any specific challenges it faces.