Reference no: EM131505377
1- Appraise network security issues and emerging technologies.
2- Analyse emerging network technologies and their implementation.
Instructions to Student:
- This assignment has three parts work proposal, Part-A and Part-B
- You will get two different links on Moodle for submitting work proposal, Part-A and Part- B will be submitted together.
- Work Proposal consists of 10 Marks and Part-A and Part-B consist of 40 marks and 50 marks respectively.
Work Proposal
Work proposal must include
Understanding of deliverables - a detail description of deliverables General overview and initial understanding of solution.
The work proposal must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle.
Students are advised to carefully study the given scenario and complete three tasks based on this scenario.
A network administrator is provided a solution for a small company that has setup Internet connectivity using two Linksys WRVS4400N business class routers. One is located at the Central site and the other at the Branch site. They would like to access resources between sites but are concerned that the Internet traffic would not be secure. To address their concern, it has been
suggested that they implement a site-to-site VPN between the two sites. A VPN would enable the Branch site office to connect to the Central site office securely by creating a VPN tunnel, which would encrypt and decrypt data.
Solve these tasks
Task 1- Define VPN technology and its benefits
Task 2- Components of VPN
Task 3- Characteristics of secure VPN
Part B
You are working with AOL ISP which is a USA based ISP and provides Frame Relay based WAN connections. For attracting different type of customer AOL design a summery document of Frame relay technology. Task to design that specific document is assigned to you. Following points must be considered during design phase.
1. Definition of Frame Relay.
2. Benefits of Frame Relay
3. Virtual Circuit and DLCI no.
4. Frame Relay topologies
5. Frame relay address mapping
6. Configuration of Frame Relay.
7. Select one or more than one published paper (preferably from the ACM DL or IEEE CSDL) that/those is/are discussing one aspect of Frame Relay. Summarize this paper in one page. The summary should include the main ideas presented in the paper. The paper you select MUST NOT BE DISCUSSED BY ANOTHER STUDENT.