Analyse crypto-currency trading data

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM132662059 , Length: 10 pages

Data Structures and Algorithms


In practicals you have implemented and learned about a number of algorithms and ADTs and will be implementing more of these in the remaining practicals. In this assignment, you will be making use of this knowledge to implement a system to explore and compare a variety of ADT implementations. Feel free to re-use the generic ADTs from your practicals. However, remember to self-cite; if you submit work that you have already submitted for a previous assessment (in this unit or any other) you have to specifically state this. Do not use the Java/Python implementations of ADTs - if in doubt, ask.

The Problem

This assignment requires the development of a solution to analyse crypto-currency trading data. You will be downloading and reading in the trade data, which defines connections between different currencies. Where currencies are not connected directly, there will be a path to follow to find an overall "exchange", via intermediate trades. We will access data from via their API, to collate the currencies and valid trade pairs. From there it should be possible to query for currencies, trades and trade paths.

To get an idea of the dataset, explore the following links:

• API Documentation
• Markets and trade overview
• Tradeable tokens
• Last 500 trades on a token
• Trade information for last 24 hours

Your program should be called cryptoGraph and have three starting options:

• No command line arguments : provides usage information
• "-i" : interactive testing environment
• "-r" : report mode
usage: cryptoGraph -r <asset_file> <trade_file>

You can structure the menu/UI differently, just make sure at least those options are included.

When running in report mode, you will give the input files and any parameters on the command line, then output the statistics for the dataset.

You will then investigate particular assets and trades, using the code you have developed. This investigation will be written up as the Project Report.

Attachment:- Data Structures and Algorithms.rar

Reference no: EM132662059

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