Reference no: EM132332624
Press Photography and Photo Journalism
This unit aims to develop learners’ understanding and practical skills through engaging with editorial photography.
Learning outcomes
LO1 Understand contextual factors used in editorial photography
1.1 Analyse contemporary practice in editorial photography
1.2 Evaluate contextual factors that influence editorial photography
LO2 Understand the requirements of editorial photography briefs
2.1 Evaluate and record the requirements of editorial photography briefs
2.2 Determine a strategy to carry out an editorial photography brief
LO3 Be able to comply with legislation affecting editorial photographic practice
3.1 Investigate legislation affecting editorial photographic practice
3.2 Adhere to legislation when producing own editorial photography
LO4 Be able to produce editorial photography
4.1 Use photographic techniques to produce effective editorial photography
4.2 Evaluate and record fitness for purpose of images produced.