Analyse business intelligence requirements and strategies

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Reference no: EM131038810 , Length: word count:2000


Intended Learning Outcomes

- Analyse and evaluate a range of MSS and their characteristics.
- Analyse business intelligence requirements and strategies for an organisation.


Write a report to answer the following questions. See the marking rubric for the marking schedule.

Question 1

Analyse and evaluate (using ‘Asking Questions' handout) how the Data Mining technique can or might be used in an industry of your choice:
Focus on the technique and how it can be used by the industry in general rather than a particular organisation.

Question 2

For an organisation of your choice, identify an existing or potential business strategy for that organisation and analyse (using ‘Asking Questions' handout) the role that ‘Big Data' could play in meeting the strategy's objectives.

The total number of words in the following sections combined should be between 2000 - 2200: Abstract, Introduction, Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations.

The other sections (for example Appendices, Glossary) have no word limit.Use all of the following sections in the same order. Begin each section on a different page.

1. Title Page

Report title (should give a clear idea of the report's content).
Name of writer
Designation of writer (e.g. Assistant Manager)
Date of presentation of report

2. Terms of Reference

Requested on _____________________ by __________________________ on the topic of _____________________ and due on ___________________

3. Acknowledgements

To acknowledge the assistance given by individuals or organisations during the research and preparation of the report.

4. Abstract (Also called Synopsis, Executive Summary)

A brief summary of the report in about half a typed page. It briefly states the purpose, method, findings, conclusion and recommendations.

5. Table of Contents

A numbered list of sections, and indented sub-sections in the same order as they appear in your report. The page number on which each section begins is given.

6. Introduction

This covers:
(a) Purpose of investigation and significance
(b) Research method - an outline of procedures used
(c) Impact of any limitations imposed on the report - e.g. time, length, information availability
(d) Explanation of organisation of material
(e) Definitions if needed (but include a Glossary for more than two terms).

The information that has been found out through research is presented. The writer's opinion about the data should not intrude. Research may be primary, interview etc. or secondary, from printed sources.

8. Conclusion(s)

Are based on the findings you have presented; no new material can be added here.

9. Recommendations

Suggest the things that could be done to improve the situation that has been reported on. They need to be based on the conclusions reached and are specific and practicable. They are usually set out in the following manner -

It is recommended that: •etc.

10. Appendix

Relevant information not appropriate in the findings is placed in appendices e.g. copies of letters of request, replies, meeting minutes and notes from telephone calls. Interview questions and transcripts may also be appended. Some reports do not need this section.

11. Glossary

An alphabetical list of topic words, technical terms and abbreviations, together with their meanings. Some reports do not need this section.

Reference no: EM131038810

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